Wreckage 1v1, 2v2, FFA. Description: This map is made for when you have a small party and nothing to do. The map sorta' plays like guardian, whereas the aim is to control the sniper tower. On Wreckage, there is a sniper tower which is at the top of the map, and the team who unfortunately doesn't hold the sniper tower, gets a custom powerup to play with. You can change the setting of the powerup to however you see fit. Supported gametypes Slayer (2-4 players) Team slayer (4 Players) Weapons 1xSniper (150 sec drop spawn) 1xMauler (90 sec drop spawn) 1xPlasmaPistol (90 sec spawn, spawn at start NO) 1xCustomPowerup (120 sec, spawn at start NO) Pics First look Red Spawn / Custom (CUSTOM DOESN'T SPAWN AT START) Blue Spawn / Plasma Pistol (PP DOESN'T SPAWN AT START) Walkway Sniper spawn EDIT There is also 1 mauler at bottom mid DOWNLOAD NOW!
Dude this looks really good. I mean it looks sloppy from the first pic, but the others show that this is a fantastic layout. I don't know what it is but i'm just loving this map, It kind of reminds me of Cold Storage with the pillar catwalks. But definitly great job man, hopefullly this map gets notice unlike most.
It doesn't look bad, but I think you should probably build it up more, so that not all of the gameplay is just on the ground floor. Definitely do that in the custom powerup room, maybe make it so it has multiple entrance points. And I would try to clean up the walls a little, but other than that, it looks like it would be fun.
It looks really good but it looks possible to get out of. Keep on making good maps though and I will check them out
Well I've gotta hand it to you, your the first one that made a map in this location that is completely confined. Make sure your careful that your map is not escapable. I'm going to get a few tests on it and see if I can find a way out. If I do I'll let you know in a personal message where so you can fix it. Dude, these are the only kind of maps I make and the thing that bothers me more than anything is when people always are trying to escape. I think that you will find the same thing happens to you when you test it with people. But I love the idea, and did you try messing with the lighting? I bet gloomy would look awesome on this map.
Hell Yeah! Finally a map that uses sandboxes 'height' to it's advantage. Not many maps on Sandbox use the height given, since Foundry is very limited. Definately DL it.
It looks very original, well planned and layed out, but is there any weapons? I guess there is but I only see a BR in 1 pic and nothing in the others. So if there is, 4/5. Actually I've started noticing weapons now.
I like the looks of it. The forging looks good and the layout is quite original. It seems cluttered in a good way. There's a lot of stuff but not so much that you can barely move around. And like Dave the Rave said, I like how you used Sandboxes height to you advantage. Good job on this. I'll DL and give it a go.
i would suggest adding some more lights, to make it look less more aesthetically pleasing and give it some color looks good
Posting tips: For competitive maps, its best to include a list of weapons in your post. A competitive map isn't just about aesthetics but also a balance of power. Also, you should list the supported gametypes (slayer, ctf, koth). From the post I'm getting the impression that it is just slayer, but it helps to just have a list Very good layout for a small map. Some objects look like they overlap, (that's the sloppy thing people keep talking about). There's easy ways to fix that: like instead of free handing the object when you place it, you can use another object as a brace to line them up. This is fairly good map in terms of style. It looks like you will be a promising forger with a mind like that. Keep it up
The boxes are stepped in to prevent people from double jumping out the map. And currently this map only supports slayer gametypes.
as far as the pics go i love how the objects fell into place all at the right spots, however the custom powerup that spawns after the game starts, well it should be place in a more difficult position than just out in the open like that. Good job for a map though.
dude, cmon, this is like your 6th post and 5 of them have been really bad spam, including this one. put more effort into your posts plox anyways, yes the map does look good, yes you put a lot of effort obviously into your maps walls, and it looks really good, i believe tis would work great with other gamemodes than just slayer, so i believe u should work on implementing some objective spawns into this map. very nice job, 4.25/5
It looks like a decent enough map. I can tell that you really put a lot of effort into the forging and it looks really good. However, there are a few issues that I noticed: -There is a massive lack of weapons on the map, I'm guessing you ran into the object limit? -The map should be prepared for all gametypes. This doesn't use up extra objects, you just need to take the time to place the default ones properly around your map. (Hopefully you used an OLN canvas, not a blank one, and have a back-up version of this map. Otherwise than that this is a really decent map!