
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Creeping Death, Apr 5, 2009.

  1. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    Download Mausoleum

    Download Conquest

    Players: 8-12

    Assault Rifles
    Battle Rifles
    Sniper Rifles
    Plasma Rifles
    Brute Shots
    Spike Grenades

    Mausoleum is a semi traditional Conquest map I created almost on a whim. I was just messing around with objects and tunnels in the crypt one day and a few hours later I had this. The setup is traditional, from the symmetric linear opposing sides to the weapons. I have included teleporter jail cells in place of teleporter boxes, I was given this idea from Titmar so props goes to him for usage of the cells design.

    If you aren't familiar with Conquest it was originally created by AZN FTW, but has gone through many tweaks over the last year +. Most of the map is traditional as I stated, but the addition of the tele boxes is not typically traditional, however it is used a lot. I also chose not to include a custom powerup in this map. The center design is not conducive to allowing a centralized item, so I just left it out.

    Speaking of the center design, it is what makes this map unique from others. Instead of having an open tunnel or area to fight in I have designed a 6 way tunnel for more varied and claustrophobic center territory fighting. This adds a new and unique feeling to the traditional run to the center and die tactic since you are now able to flank around and surprise an enemy in an opposing tunnel, or just sneak by to surprise and engage from a different angle. The center territory is actually pretty large and in turn this map could support up to 2 teams of 6, although 4v4 or 5v5 is probably the sweet spot.

    Outside of the center territory you will find a few small but neat aesthetics. Each side has been color coded to ease you in the correct direction is case you are disoriented at any point. There are pillar moats to gaze at when you look out specific windows, complete with water effects. And finally, most weapons have been stuck to the walls not only for visual pleasure, but for increased visual identification upon their return.

    That about covers it so get some friends together and enjoy!


    Exterior overview

    Red Start point

    Blue Start Point

    Red Territory 2

    Blue Territory 2

    Red Territory 3

    Blue Territory 3

    Red Center Entrance

    Blue Center Entrance

    Red Jail Cell

    Blue Jail Cell

    Action Pics:





    #1 Creeping Death, Apr 5, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2009
  2. CyraxZ

    CyraxZ Ancient
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    Teleporter Jail Cells? How exactly would they operate?
  3. Silva Sniper

    Silva Sniper Ancient
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    Very well done.The aesathics are great.The jail cell is very interesting,Death,how does that work?But somehow it seems a little cramped up.I think the map deserves a lot of credit though.Good job,keep it up Creaping Death.
  4. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    You enter from your side and you get transported to the opposing teams side where you can cause a little havoc as they pass through. You are held back by the bars however, so you can only do so much. They are used here and there in Conquest maps. The downfall of them is you are sometimes easily killed, or ignored and trapped inside.
  5. CyraxZ

    CyraxZ Ancient
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    So you can't get out? If so, that's really a bummer. But I suppose you'd get killed pretty quickly anyways, so I guess it ain't much of a problem.

    Edit: Awesome jail bars, btw.
    #5 CyraxZ, Apr 5, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2009
  6. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
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    this map is pretty badass i wish i could DL. the jail cell was a great idea and like you said it's been done here and there but you made it alot more aesthetic

    SWEETbabyJEEZUS Ancient
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    the map looks nice and the part i like the most is the jail cell, i dont know why but it looks cool to me.
  8. shadowhunter44

    shadowhunter44 Ancient
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    This map looks like it will bring back a lot of momentum for Conquest.
    I would give a rating butt I dont have the Mythic Map to wait till April 9th.
  9. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    If AZN see's this, he's gonna have a fit! I'm glad you stated that this is not a traditional conquest map, seeing as there are multiple paths and whatnot. And i can tell you know what you are talking about, so nobody should give you a hard time about it. But I imagine it will play quite well with the conquest gametype. And the central territory would be very fun to capture. I'm a big fan of tunnels and tight spaces, so this really appeals to me. Oh, and you did an excellent job with the weapons, making them stand out and all. That's pretty important in conquest. I'm going to download and try it out with a conquest variant, but which one should i use? I didn't notice any recommendations in your description. But so far, great map! I'll be back after a frew rounds!
  10. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    Thanks man, glad you like it.

    To answer your question I tested it with v3 but I included v4 since I liked the sound of the changes that were made. Although I don't see why you couldn't play this with any version.
  11. uF HaVoK

    uF HaVoK Ancient
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    Very good. Wow where can i start. It's definitly a plus that this is alittle different from the run-of-the-mill conquest map.. I'm so glad that there is more than just one walkway, giving alot more oppurtunity for map control.. I also love how you used the small block portions to hold the BR's and Grenades, instead of the invisible weapon holder trick, it seems alot more aesthetically pleasing.
    On the subject of aesthetics, i understand that you got the idea of the jail cells from another map, sorry but i can't think of the name, and i think that yours are much more useful and work with the map.. Also, its awesome to see a Sandbox map that is interlocked and not just thrown together like most nowadays.
    Very successful map, and a great add to conquest maps.

    EDIT: wow.. map map map map map. Said that too much :L
  12. Laxer

    Laxer Ancient
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    This map looks very interesting. Maybe a little bit cramped up but it looks like it would be fun. The jail cells are very original, looks like they would add a little havoc to the game. Great map. 5/5
  13. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    Thanks man, glad you like it.

    As I stated in the OP, Titmar was the one who came up with the jail cells idea. He actually released it to the Hub Pub before he released his map and told everyone it could be used for whatever. Jail cells in a Conquest map came to mind and I implemented it. So once again, props to Titmar :0)
  14. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
    Forge Critic

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    You know it may be against tradition, but I'm sure it plays nicely. Regardless of the fact that you can sneak around enemies in the center, it looks as if a player can have line of sight down mosts of the hallways so, it shouldn't be that big of a deal. I personally would have put in sideways wall slits for the tunnels. It may be less aesthetically pleasing, but it allows players to be aware if they are about to be flanked, so that way you can take away some of the trickery that Conquest strays away from.

    As for the teleporter box, the main reason that I have something against it is because it takes away the brute force focus from the center and puts a damage dealer where it doesn't mean much cuz you don't have a team with you. I'm not sure where the telebox is located exactly, but if it is located in a way to effect the center territory, then the tele box wouldn't be bad at all for gameplay. Say, but the jail on the opponent's side of the center territory... just how I would do it.

    Overall a nicely done aesthetic map, but I can't judge the gameplay just yet. I just hope that you kept with the whole territories setup that makes Conquest what it is (territories covering every bit of the main flooring, basically every territory touching... the reason for this is cuz Conquest is a fight for land, if you earn a territory you should have the right to utilize it's corner/cover advantages while still contesting it). The weapons looks like they were placed well and visual identification is very important in Conquest or any map for that matter to increase the variety of weapons utilized in maps...

    I will download and look over it with the certification team and let you know what we think of it...
  15. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    Thanks man, glad you wanna take the time to check it out.

    I did what I could with the territories, unfortunately to be able to keep the flags inside the map I had to allow a gap between territories. They aren't huge and I left them in areas that you can't camp and take advantage of the location. I am still weighing the option of putting them on the outside to allow overlapping territories, but as of now if I try and do that they overflow into the teleboxes and the center territories where you can contest them.
  16. last_chaos_7

    last_chaos_7 Ancient
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    hey man very nice conquest map I'm not going to let this die that easy =P. M yonly question is how the heck did you do those bars?
  17. Ell3ment

    Ell3ment Ancient
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    I was in a custom game the other day and someone decided to load up this map with conquest v4. I have to start by saying i strongly disliked the center territory, it did not seem to flow well and allowed lots of flanking as well as the opposing team running straight past and into the other territories. I did however like the starting hallsways(the wall slits with colored columns really made we want to protect the territories) They had a good "conquest" feel to them and were only complimented more by the great looking weapon areas. The teleporter boxes are a really nice look to an old idea, i always thought teleboxes were meant to only hold one person, and these seem to trap a large amount of people if you choose not to kill them.

    All in all i would say to truly fix this map you would have to change two major things:
    1. Make the teleporter boxes only available for use by one person at a time, maximum.
    2. Change your center territory by removing either the middle set of tubes, or making it 3 larger tubes side by side.
    I I I I I I I.......I...I...I...I
    I I I I I I I.......I...I...I...I
    Either way i think it will make the map flow a little better.

    All in all i have to say it just was not fun for me to play conquest on this map, until this gets updated to be more fun to play i'm just going to leave it in the pile of conquest maps that look great but just are not fun enough to make room on my HD for.
  18. LIGHTSOUT225

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    I dont think he needs to update anything. Its cool if its not your personal style, but he said stated in the OP that its not completely a traditional conquest map, and never was intended to be. He executed what he set out to do very well and I find it to not only be a lot of fun, but also a refreshing take on what can sometimes be the monotony of Conquest. The tele-boxes being that large are only a problem if your team doesn't communicate (which can happen in some games from time to time, but its no ones fault but your own).

    Great job Creep, I really dig the overall atmosphere the map provides, and I dig the non-traditional take on the central territory. awesome.
  19. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    It's cool man, as I said in the OP this was meant to be a semi traditional map, with the symmetric sides and linear path. The center was meant to be different from the traditional open area or tunnel and allow you to pass through or stay and capture if you want.

    I toyed with the idea of making the tele-jails 2 way so you don't get stuck in there and I may still do that. All in all I recognize that this is not built with 100% traditional gameplay in mind but rather to be a sort of remix. Conquest maps do start to all look and feel the same after a while.

    Thanks for trying it out and offering some feed back though, it was much appreciated.

    Thanks man, glad you like it. I enjoy the occasional off shoot and I know you do to, it's always fun to change it up a bit when possible.
  20. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
    Forge Critic

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    Definitely not a traditional Conquest. lolz... anyways. I really liked the first few territories on each side, they were very well done. I feel weird about the weapons being on the walls, but whatevs. Something that I felt could be fixed would be the SMG on the wall. If there is two it doesn't look like it. And if you think about it, if you see a single SMG, are you really going to want to pick it up right away? Probably not, so I feel it would be better presented on the floor in a pair, but that's just me.

    As for the jail cells... they offered some laughs... I love running by people stuck in there. I think it would definitely play much better as a two way, so you have the option to jump forward and shoot, but sacrifice advancement, or you can just walk straight. Also you might want to recheck your territories. Blue team was able to contest and capture from inside their jail cell.

    As for the center... simply put, I was frustrated. If you were trying to protect the territory you to stop them you ahve to leave the long tunnel, then find which tunnel he is in, AND THEN kill him. It's not really that it is against Conquest... it was just a frustrating feeling. Also it was really easy to sneak past a team then capture all of their territories until they died and they killed me from their start point. So yeah... Ellement's idea was alright... I'm not quite sure right now how I would suggest to change it to make it flow better. But if I think of something I will let you know...

    Plus side... map is freakin' GORGEOUS!!! As per usual creeping... ;)
    #20 Ray Benefield, Apr 7, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 7, 2009

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