hey guys, tell me what u guys think of my new sig i just finished making! ( plzz note this is the first sig i made, and im not that good, so plzz no bad commentz) I used two image editing websites to make this!( Picnik and TinyPic) unless u know a better one, Plzz Post!) Stock and plzz dont think i soften it on purpose, cause i didnt! Final The only thing i do not like about it is how i put my name in white, wich makes it stand out more but i had no other place to put it. REMEMBER_ FIRST SIG I EVER MADE
Wow, you ripped this from ZeroControl i believe. Your an idiot. Don't take credit for others hard work. /fail
If Lock is right, then you don't deserve this, but oh well. GIMP In any case, try making sigs in a real graphics program.
i know i did, i never said i made the whole thing, i made it to another version, i would never take full credit, most goes to him, oh and that wasnt the person who Said I can Over right it!( i did all the Text, and sharpend it, Saturned it addd the edge frame, So nO your half wrong
So you took it ruined it with horrible text an border. And then reposted the barely edited version as your own? Ripper!
That ripping you idiot. Taking some ones sig and adding your name to it. [edit] didn't see the white text because i am on old school. DOn't refer to this as your first sig, refer to it as your first rip as a ***.
Where is your proof? Hm? Show us the stock and take a screenshot of the creator giving you permission to use it. And you didn't even credit him in the sig. You only added your name.
Wait, your that loser that posts his sig image in every one of his posts. LOL omg just another reason to hate you.
Even if he did give you permission we know its not your work, will not credit it for you, will not accept that you did anything but make it worse, and will continue to hassle you about it.
When you get banned three times, having your sig privileges removed is just a small reminder to not break the rules.