Wow Buddha. This map puts mine to shame >_<. I used one of the same principles on a certain puzzle on my puzzle map before i attempted this however, so i knew how to solve it . so technically i only had to solve 12 puzzles. lol. good job.
i can beat all of them but puzzle second to last, i just cant time it right. i skipped ahead in forge and did the last one
i cant either, i have the grav hammer and the sword but i cant shoot through the fence wall to hit the fusion coil. PLZ HELP. BTW, dont tell me to msg buddha cuz i will right now, so GIVE MEH A BREAK! anywayz 5/5 great forging
Btw Sage -- Nobody likes you -- Do us all a favor and Jump in a fire kk thx Somebody do me a favor and tell me how to complete Puzzle 5 -- Im growing tired of failing on this puzzle, so lets cut the chase and just get past this damn thing -- Thanks
Who are you to say that, ehh? I don't think I've heard of Twit, I mean Dwyt, before. And why should we help you? You have a horrible attitude, and you replied to a nearly 2 month old thread. Leave it alone.
Chillax -- Maybe i was just sweeping over it and it made me a bit mad to read how nobody answers anyone's questions -- Then again maybe its the pounding headache from hours of Puzzle 5 with nothing to say for it -- Who knows -- Im fairly mad and would just like to get out of this damn Part
Well, I will say that while the puzzles themselves weren't too hard to figure out, performing the solution to said puzzles could sometimes be quite annoying. This did take some time and is probably one of the best "puzzle" maps out so far. However, I'm not the biggest fan of the term used for these maps, as it creates an illusion that there really is a puzzle, when actually it is a scavenger hunt combined with loose puzzle elements. But enough about the misnomer of the genre and onto my review. Some of the puzzles required knowing a few things ahead of time or even garnered a forge through to find the solution (that is if you didn't use your hints), and while each area/room of the puzzle played well it too often require one to kill oneself to go back and use a teleporter in previous areas and determining when and which was a nuisance. But these are all but minor gripes about what is the best this genre has to offer. 4/5
you got some nasty style u do a lot with teleporters i really dont get how you invented that trick with the street cone
Thank you for the quick reply Sarge. I really needed you to lay some harsh truths on me, because I like to conform to other people's opinions. A person as "infintile" as me shouldn't be trolling these kinds of high society and exclusive forums with nonsense about a video game. Sarge, you're probably some 25 year old college dropout with no degree of any sort. It looks like you didn't even pass high school, because "your" a bad speller and linguist. YOU'RE a loser, in every sense of the word. so "untill" you realize that fact, YOU'RE never going to get anywhere in life playing a video game. So, YOU'RE wrong. I normally don't go for the petty, personal, attacks but your post just begged it. Have a great day in the bottom of your parents' basement jerking off to amateur porn
sorry but i dont know how to use spoiler tags so, im totally stuck on 5 i got the regen but i cant figure out how to get up to the powerups i just cant figure it out i've been at it for hours and i dunno if its really obvious but i just cant get up there so can anyone help?
I love a good puzzle map provided theres a guide, because i'm just ridiculouly awful at them. this one looks realy great, especially the way you have made maximum use of the space outside the map itself.
Well, buddhacrane1, thanks for allowing me to piss you off enough to get you to reply. And on a second note: if me misusing a form of "you" twice in a post qualifies an outburst of constantly repeating the correction to the misspell, than I'm glad I did it, so as to allow you to aid in proving my previous analysis of your misplaced anger and your immature persona. And just because you believe me to be a bad speller, at least I know the definitions to the words I use... "linguist" only applies to orations not writings, and thus is misused in your poorly thought out "insult". BTW Congrats on getting favs Buddha.
sorry but i reeally couldnt do this map, waaay to hard for me. well done on getting it into bungie favorites though. its a really hard map and when i took it to forge, the place out of bounds with all the spawn points had no way out. how do you get back from the pipeline?