Same deal here. You need to embed the screenshot, not just provide a link to it. The screenshot forum rules are directly above your thread, for heaven's sake!
Yeah, as he said, you need to embed your screenshot. I looked at the pic anyway. It's not really obvious, and clearly not intentional. You've just got a dirty mind.
hey dont say stuff like that it was very hard getting to that spot in that map and took almost an hour so if you can get out of that level and show me that screenshot then ill apologize, but until then, dont insult my pics ok?
Um ... okay ... getting there is hard? I've glitched out of the Ark in every which way, getting back there being one of the easiest. If you want proof, I can take a film of myself doing it in, oh, I don't know, 10-15 mins max. Not trying to argue, but think before you act. P.S: I wasn't trying to insult, I was stating my opinion. P.S.S: Don't double post ... well, in this case, triple post.
shut up ok i thought it was a slightly funny pic so dont make fun of all of my pics i got a lot of good compliments on it so i thought that other people might like it too...stop being so judgemental, jerks! old are you? Stop arguing and taking everyone's opinions so seriously. This is the internet. You should not have posted your picture if you're not able to deal with negative responses. The image is not very funny...humans have opposable thumbs...
Well seeing as I can't see the picture and even when I clicked on the link I couldn't see the picture, I'm not being mean. And it is obvious that you didn't read the rules and how to embed pics if you posted it wrong.
Omg it just randomly cut out on me i have no idea how it happened but it did so be quiet i already said that it became corrupt!!!!!
Look, you've been a member of this site for what, 10 minutes? The people posting here obviously know a lot more about the site than your do. If you can't take advice seriously and act like a **** about it, leave.
You ask people to stop being so harsh, yet you continuously insult people. If you can't take people's honest opinions, don't post your pics. The pic is kinda funny, but not great.
u no wat? i dont no how it happened ok? i just dont know i tryed putting the pic back but it kept saying..."Picture Not Found"
Funny how hypocritical you are. Look at the first thing you post. 'Plz Reply'. If that's not perfect proof then I don't know what is. I usually don't post in the Screenshot forum, but this one I must. Obviously, with your terminology, everything in halo must be sexual innuendo, right? Two grenades, a Battle Rifle, Sniper Rifle, etc. Honestly, taking simple objects, and turning them into reproductive organs is a bit immature, and just random. I don't want to offend you, and I know you're just trying to gain our repsect as being new, but this is not the way to do it, especially when you can't take someone elses opinion. As I said, apologies if this insulted you, but you must learn to understand everyone does not have the same mentality as you, specifically on the internet.