MY FIRST ADDITION TO FORGEHUB Steel Caravan is a cargo ship lost on it's destination, ending up in this snowy plateau. Includes: ~Vehicles ~A giant pretty ship ~full arsenal of weapons inside the ship ~Warthog and two mongooses located in the hangar of ship (navigation around the ship is done by the teleporters located inside, on top of, and below the ship) DOWNLOAD LINK: Halo 3 File Details NOTE: This is not a game map, this is a "look what i made!" type map. I wanted to show it off, and maybe get you guys to rate it =) now for the pics: Overview: Pilot's seat entrance: 1st floor: 2nd floor: Bottom floor hangar: I hope you guys enjoy it!
screenshots arent working. go to, plug in your gamertag, click on the pictures, then copy and paste the BB codes into your post
Your screenshots aren't working. This guide on how to embed screnshots is very helpful: Once you fix your screenshots I will look at your map thread again. =) EDIT: whoops, looks like someone already told you this. Sorry. Feel free to delete my post moderators.
Your pictures are not working. In order to get them working you must go to and put your gamertag in the search bar. It will take a few minutes since it will be your first time. When it loads find your pictures and copy the link that has forgehub in the parenthesis. Paste them in your post and Bam, you have pictures. Their is a link in my signature below the picture that shows what I just said in more detail. You have 24 hours to get this fixed or a moderator will be forced to lock this post. No one else post about the lack of pictures or he/she will be reported. Chow! Sorry to first two comments, was typing while you guys posted. Chow, again!
The overall it looks good there is one thing that i noticed, the weapons are placed kinda sloppy it. Other than that you did a great job interlocking and it looks pretty well made. I give it a 4/5.
Ok, the outside of this map looks pretty good, with a good design, but the problem is in the armory. Forgehub members (at least the older ones) aren't usually fans of armories, and I'm afraid that I'm one of them. It looks like it would just be a game of 'everyone grab a power weapon'. Also, if you are going to have an armory, you should at least make it look nice, and have the weapons spread out, not just in piles on the floor and propped up on the wall. The problem with doing this is that whenever someone picks up a weapon, they will automatically pick up all available ammo. This means that one person will get all the sniper ammo, whild another might get all the rocket ammo. Overall, this map doesn't need a whole lot of base work, but more gameplay work. I'm also wondering from the pictures if you can get the vehicles out of the hangar, due to the shield door that's in the way.
ok, this isnt a bad map, the inside is quite neat, but again, dont put looads of weapons in the same place. put a few down in tactical places, and conserve the ammo, change the clips. also how do the vehicles get out since there is a sheild door in front of them? cars cant go through shield doors.
Ok, too many powerweapons and armories. Those are a BIG no-no. Try cleaning the weapon layout up alittle bit, but the ship is magnificent. V2 would be fantastico
i just wanted to point out. this is not a play map, this is more of a "look what i made!" map. k? =) I will think about making a V2 also
First of all this is under the aesthetic section which means, its not made for playability, therefor, no gameplay. Anyways, I liked the map overall. Pretty much what everyone else is saying with the armory and sheild doors. But ya, overall pretty good.
For a first post this is 5 star but for v2 try to make it so you dont have to go through teleporters to travel around the ship apart from that i rate it 4.5 out of 5