This is the trailer for my first montage. The audio is messed up for a bit in the beginning and is out of sync by half a second or so for the first minute, I don't really know why, I've never edited with Adobe Premiere before and my computer only has like 1 Gig of RAM, so that might be why. I will make sure everything is perfect for the final tage, don't worry. I haven't used very many of our good clips yet, so the final tage will be a lot better. Tell me what you think!
Some of the clips are choppy and could use more editing and quality. But what you lack in that you make up in gameplay. You got some really good clips can't wait to see the rest.
Yah, definitely too choppy. But there is potential in there. You might also want to try matching your kills to the music
.... pretty much every single kill is. Youtube butchered the quality, but every kill is synched with the music.
Some clips should defiantly be took out because they got SOOO choppy I almost stopped watching it because of that. Also I don't look at this and be all super amazed because 3/4 of all those multi kills were on Multi Team and most of the time on KoTH so no one really pays attention to the guy sitting up on the ledge sniping. Now yes I do like the montage because you are very good at the sniper and within all those multi team multi kills there were almost all Snipes and no scopes...but you could put more variety into your clips with gametypes..
Yea, I'm thinking about re-capturing some of the clips to fix the quality. I'm also using Adobe Premiere 6, which I'm pretty sure is from the mid 90's, so that might be why everything is so choppy when I exported it. And my friend looked at it and told me to take out that rocket/shotty killpoc too, haha. He sent it to me, but for some reason I guess didn't want me to use it.
It's not bad to have a rocket/shotty Killpocalypse in your montage... Any Killpocalypse is awesome. Definitely recapture those choppy clips, but overall, the montage looked good. I can't wait to see the real thing. I thought trailers were supposed to be short as well... I guess not lol.
Yeah.... they are, lol. It's technically the first of 3 songs in the tage, and I uploaded it to show my friend so he could tell me stuff he liked/didn't like, and I just decided to post it because I wanted some feeback from other people as well.
I see... most of the trailers I've seen are under two minutes... Oh well, I guess for the length (12 min) this is a good length. This could be mistaken for the actual montage!