Space Tether Map Background: This map was orginionally designed to be a remake of Halo CE's "Longest". I started building it how I remembered, and it just grew from that. I would refer to this as a "Spiritual Successor" to Longest. Supported Gametypes: All Recommended Players: 2-4(1v1 or 2v2) Pictures: Defender Spawn Attacker Spawn Defenders-to-Middle Attackers-to-Middle Middle "HEADSHOT!" Headexplode! Forge 101: Merging:[YES] Geo-Merging:[YES] Floating:[YES] Objects Placed In Water:[--] Instant Respawn:[YES] Effective Spawn Placement:[YES] Other Notes: -None at this time- DOWNLOAD "SPACE TETHER"
Atleast tell him why you thought it looks boring. I bet you didn't even download it so you have no right to call it boring. Onto the map now, it looks orbital wasn't exactly made for forge. Unfortunately I don't have mythic yet so I can't download it.
i understand that "longest" is a "long" level, but it doesnt look too much like longest due to the fact that it doesnt have all of it's features. also why try to make it on orbital? try remaking it on sandbox or foundry if you can
I wanted to make it on Orbital because I like how Orbital's scenery looks. I don't like building stuff out of stone on Sandbox. Also, I said that this was not a remake of Longest, but more of a "spiritual successor". Please read my post carefully next time.
The issue with orbital in its self is that it is a constricted map. No matter what you do to it, it will still look like orbital. All you can really do with Orbital is just either block off a few routes or make it more difficult to pass them with a few boxes. See my point? It's not really your fault, Orbital just isn't the greatest map to impress people with. Especially for competitive maps-people like to see fully unique maps to host serious battles. My advice: just use a different map. It may be harder to start from scratch, but in the end, everyone will be more impressed. I'd like to see what creativity you really have
I completely agree, but I feel I did a damn good job with what I was given. I COMPLETELY changed the map. Also, I like Orbital for Forge. people really underestimate the possibilities...
You need a couple more things to even consider this a spiritual successor 1. It needs to resemble the level 2. If it did resemble the level it has to succede the previous level 3. The gameplay needs to remain the same or similar. None of these points are made in this map so i think that you really need to go to sandbox forget the look of the map and get the game play down we are all going to have to get used to the sandy appearance and forget the pretty walls and stuff and have fun Nice try sorry if it sounds harsh just try it on sandbox.
Nopps. I really don't want to make this on Sandbox. I think making it on Orbital gives it a better aesthetic feel.