I have been looking for this map since before mythic came out and i have yet to find it so i will put a description of it and maybe one of you can tell me the name? i know its based off of a chinese tower or something its in the sky box inverse sermetrical. two ramps in the middle worthogs on map. looks like it could support bg team. and most of all it was on the video that was on the dashboard, tour of the mythic map pack. it was mid way through the vid in the skybox. if any of you know this map plz tell me i have to play on it. thanks
I think I know what you are talking about, but I have never actually been on the map or have seen a place to download it.
You just post in anything but Off-Topic... but you really shouldn't care about rank on this site. And make sure you don't spam just to bring your post count up.
Naw, those videos were all made by Bungie employees, along with the creations in them. I'd check a list of Bungie employees (no idea where to find them) and then start checking their file shares. Whatever you're looking for is bound to be there.
I think it actually is Facing Worlds. The author said that his map showed up in one of those videos. It perfectly fits your description, too.
I think he might mean that sumo arena from Bungie.net. They posted pictures of that long ago - it looked very chinese and featured warthogs. Not sure if you can download it. However, I don't think the warthogs start in the middle..