What game are you ashamed to like?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Grif, Mar 28, 2009.

  1. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
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  2. Zanitor

    Zanitor Ancient
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    Ahh yes, I forgot I need to add Pokemon, I am playing Pokemon Platinum right now....INFERAPE!
  3. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    i somewhat agree. other than MLG, matchmaking is pretty boring. i much prefer CoD:WaW matchmaking. there i actually have fun.

    it was actually pretty funny. the type-100 is a extremely high rate of fire SMG in cod 5. when i finally got it, i imediately went into a free-for-all playlist. i actually got 2nd place and caled in tons of airstrikes, and almost got dogs. unfotunately i was beaten by a few points when someone called in dogs and scored the final 3 points :surprise:mg:
  4. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    My problem isn't with how good they are. My problem is just how bad the idea for them is.

    The starters just kept getting worse and worse. Charizard>Typephlosion>Blaziken>Infernape.

    Can somebody explain to me why everyone loves MLG? To me, MLG is the worst tournamenet ever created simply for how much they complain about every weapon and reduced the whole weapon set to the BR, Sniper and grenades.
    #84 Telrad, Apr 5, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2009
  5. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    All of you people calling Halo 3 'sub-par' and things similar to that need to consider few things...

    1. You are on a Halo 3 website
    2. Hundreds of thousands of people love and play Halo 3 almost everyday, so it couldn't have just gotten lucky. It must actually be a very well made game.
    3. There is no game on the planet Earth in which you could play for over a year and not notice a large amount of flaws, so that is most likely why you see it as poorly made

    And yes, MLG is boring beyond imagination.
  6. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
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    Hey lets stay on topic!
  7. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    Sorry Grif, one last time.

    1. Irrelevant.
    2. A lot of people like Twilight and Soulja Boy. Are they good? Are they amazing? No. They're popular. Not good.
    3. No. It's easy to see why it's poorly made. Infantry-Vehicle interaction is broken beyond any repair. Weapon balance is off. Map quality is terrible. Campaign is too short and offers little to no variaty. Game is way too Melee centered with melee being more poweful then half the weapons and with 5 other weapons being CQB. A lot of weapons are redundant, Battle Rifle and Carbine coming up instantly. That comes to mind instantly and these were easily found the day the game came out and some were easily found in the Beta.
  8. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    1.Completely relevant. Why would you be on this site if did not like the game at one point or another?
    2. 100% opinion
    3. Infantry-vehicle reaction: what do you mean? Weapon Balance: More balanced than pretty much every other game. Map Quality: Again, opinion. Campaign: Who would want a 20 hour Halo campaign. That's what allows it to have little variety, because it is a short length, which I actually like. Melee centered: Agreed, but I'm not sure how they could change it. Weapon redundancy: Just like practically every other game.
  9. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    1. Why do you think I'm ashamed of liking Halo? It's a game that I have fun with but I know it's not a good game.
    2. No it's not. Fun is opiniated but good isn't.
    3. Infantry completely dominate on some maps due to the anti-vhicle. Laser, Missle Pod and Power Drainers are too good against vehicles. A vehicle ahainst those has no chance to win.
    Weapon balance is actually badly done. Sniper is overpowered, BR is overpowered and so are a few others. Added to the fact that some weapons are never used, balance is ****ed.
    Map quality is not opinion, it is fact. Fun, they may be but good they are not.
    I never said I wanted a long campaign. Gears 2 has a much better campaign yet it's almost as short as Halo's. It has more variaty as well.
    Simple, lower melee power down by half and get rid of the FlameThrower, Mauler, Sword and Hammer.
    ... Did you just say that in complete honesty? Find me two weapons that are redundant in Gears and Half-Life.
  10. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    100% agree with you there. though i sorta liked typhlosion. i mean, a dragon breathing fire makes a shitload of sense. a big porcupin ething makes little sense, but sinse the spikes are fire, its ok to overlook. a bird who not only uses fighting moves, but also breathes fire? very little sense. i mean, if anything it should be flying/fire. and lastly: a big monkey on fire. this is just weird. the armor is pretty kickass though, should have been covered mostly in armor, and been steel/fighting, but not a starter.

    i personally have nothing against most weapons. of course, im usually the one using them :D. i actually hate snipers, but i love BR's and hate AR's. if i had the choice, i would've kept the halo 2 system, but added the new weapons minus the AR, and replaced it with a new covenant weapon.

    thats why i like MLG. i am expert at BRing, but cannot do much with other skill-oriented weapons lke the sniper or needler.
  11. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    So if i say a ham sandwich with horse radish is good, its a fact? Sounds like an opinion to me.

    Are you kidding me? SOme people like certain maps, while others don't. Thats based completely on opinion.

    Also, weapon redundancy is also based on opinion. Some may say the assault rifle in halo is redundant while others love it. Some may say the hammerburst in GOW is redundant, while others use it all the time.
    #91 LOCK.xcf, Apr 5, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2009
  12. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    1. No, that sandwhich was good for you. Not for everyone. Also, the analogy is bad as it doesn't really work for food.
    2. Yes, some people do like certain maps but that doesn't really mean the map is good. It's a fun map but not good.
    3. ... Redundant doesn't mean that nobody will love the weapon. Redundant means that there is a weapon that has more or less the same use. And the Assualt Rifle is redundant. The SMG is more or less the same.

    The Hammerburst is not redundant as it has a better stopping power, longer range, more accurate, more power and single burst.
    #92 Telrad, Apr 5, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2009
  13. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    exactly. you can say a game sucks, but it undobtedly has hordes of loyal players no matter what. most people who love it, however, are blinded by their love and cannot see the bad. i can see the bad in most of my games, except CoD 5. IMO it is the best game ever made. but many people criticize it. however every day 2 million people play it. its all really a matter of personal preference. some people love runescape, i hate it. some people love RPG's, i persoonally dont like them.
  14. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    Everything you just said is based of your opinion. You basically are contradicting your self every time you post in this thread.

    Thats a joke right? ANyways, at least you realize everything is based on opinion, not fact.
    #94 LOCK.xcf, Apr 5, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2009
  15. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    I'll answer you with this quote.

    Halo is Harold and Kumar.

    It's entertaining but it isn't good.

    There is a difference between good and fun.
  16. Yeti

    Yeti Ancient
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    Pokemon: Blue Version!! Yeah!

    Also, Viva Pinata like you said. That game is addiciting. :p
  17. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    actually, the lancer beats hammerburst all the time, taking skill out of account. higher rate of fire always wins in non-halo shooters. like in COD5, BAR's, machine guns, and shotguns suck unless it is a fg42, because SMG's will easily kill them before you know what hit you.

    1. you just contradicted yourself...lulz:lol:
    2. once again, you may say a map is good, i may say otherwise. i know lots of people absolutely love guardian, but i personally detest it. its not whether or not a map is good. theoretically, you can say "ok, this map has varied landscapes, different bases, balanced weapons, good cover, excellent weapon placement, and is set up perfectly for every gametype." but not everyone will like it. i like vahalla, but i know people who hate it. i hate construct, but i know people who love it. in halo 2, i hated midship, but i knew people who loved it. you see what im getting at? no matter how many people say something, it is still a matter of opinon and personal preference.
    3. but they have differences. take for example sniper rifle and beam rifle. they both do the same thing. however, beam rifle eats up ammo quicker, and overheats easily. therefore it is much more headshot oriented. whereas the sniper rifle has more ammo, but is usually more body-shot oriented. ill use your example of SMG and AR. AR is much more capable at a medium range, whereas SMG's are only useful at short range. these are usually subtle differences, but important ones. ill use BR and CC as well. the BR and carbine do the same thing, but do it differently. BR is more headshot-oriented, because of the relatively slow rate of fire. whereas the carbine is headshot and body oriented, due to a much higher rate of fire. it can pump out enough bodyshots that even all-headshot BRing will most likely lose to an experienced player with a carbine.


  18. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    like i said: its my personal preference. i dont like throwing a grenade and then having to headshot the guy im trying to kill. i much prefer the whole customization and non-shields of CoD WaW.
  19. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    IMO, if a game is fun, entertaining, and i get good play time out of it for what i spent, it is a success, there for, it is a good game. Thats just my opinion. I play games to have fun, and if i get fun out of a game i am playing, it is good. Remember, thats my opinion. And saying something is good IS based off of opinion. Some people think a certain food is good, while others will never eat it. Some people love a certain movie, while others would never dare go see it. The same goes for games.
    #99 LOCK.xcf, Apr 5, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2009
  20. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    exactly my point. i dont see why telrad doesnt get that....

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