k, i made this, then just canged the hue and contrast and stuf for the other one v2 Edit: Photobucket, always ****s up and puts white lines on my ****.
Personally I don't think any of them are covered with WINSAUCE, but if I had to pick my favourite I'd say the first. I think you went over the top with smudging personally.
Would you please stop blurring the focal you use. That makes your signatures horrible, and its way to big
same. fix that before we even get started on anything else, namely multiple focals and bad effects.. and of course text
Even more confusing when resized. Try *starting out* with a smaller canvas. And yes, don't put strange effects that cover the entire focal on top of it. It looks awful, quite frankly. I think *parts* of that effect could look nice, but as it is it doesn't work.
What is it? Seriously, I have no idea what it is, and if it wasn't for my little sister behind me, I'd be cussing up a storm. Just messin' Anyhow, it's not photobucket, you're just not cropping your signatures down enough in GIMP.
at least your saving it as a .png. but yeah, start out on a smaller canvas, and try to do some tutorials... it might help you
first of all youtube. and second the colour's really not working. Try pputting less things on I couldn't tell what was in the middle,
Although youtube does show exactly what they do they aren't very good quality tutorials with good results