Hello, Im Mrs Apples. I really like apples. I go to college. Im a girl (obviously) and I do play some Halo. Only with my BF though. I dont have an Xbox Live acc. But he does. And Im not putting it on here. Im hoping to have a nice and pleasant time here with you guys. Some questioned if I am a 2nd account. And Im not. I roamed around some other sites for Halo and made an account here due to the amount of feedback people gave me. I might get a Live Account fairly soon. And I'll give it out to whoever wants to play once I get it.And I must say, you guys act strange to girls xD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTU23rWsnkc&feature=related
O hi Mrs. Apples. It's nice to see that you like Halo enough to make an account here. We are a kind, courteous, and friendly community for the most part and we hope that you enjoy your time on our forums.
It isn't that you're a girl, but your jumping on here and going straight into offtopic along with your little disclaimer in this intro among other things is a bit fishy. It doesn't matter, you'll just be IP checked and if you're legit, you've got nothing to worry about. No biggie. also, welcome.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LTXQhjD_J_o&feature=channel_page Uh... Don't worry about the stalkers of Forge Hub. Sadly, they come with the website and we can't seem to get rid of them. Don't worry, not everyone on the site is a stalker but every time a girl joins it brings out the worst in people. lol. By the way, Asians are awesome... I know this because I'm also an Asian. lol. ASIAN PRIDE!
Don't listen to him, it's lies! All lies! Nice to see a female around at least. I was alone, for such a long time :cry:.