MLG Holy Ground

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by Ninja Shizoku, Mar 18, 2008.

  1. Ninja Shizoku

    Ninja Shizoku Ancient
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    MLG Holy Ground v2

    MLG Holy Ground v2
    Created by: Ninja Shizoku

    Supported Gametypes:
    Built for all MLG Gametypes

    Map Description
    MLG Holy Ground v2 changes: The bases have been merged with the walls and the front of the bases have been pulled back to create a better courtyard. The carbine sides have been merged with the walls to re-create the same angle as in the original. I didn't get pics of the updates, but if you liked v1 you will love v2. This is a compact remake of "Sanctuary" from Halo 2. I didn't have the space to make this full size, but I did what I could with the space provided and I personally like it better a little tighter. I tried to simulate the same combat situations as the original (carbine to snipe, carbine to carbine) also there are new shooting lanes I think everyone will love. In the corners of the map I've placed large angled shield-door-lined walls, I call 'em "nade walls". I spent alot of time with the interlocking and it shows, I'm kinda a perfectionist and like running on smooth surfaces, don't you? This map was made using the budget glitch and I still got the damn "cannot place any more objects" message. (if you've never seen this message, you don't forge enough. If you have seen it, good, you know your almost done) In the middle there is a plasma pistol (replacing sword) also in the middle there is a floating custom power-up and maulers replaced the shotguns in the tunnels. The BR's and nades are in the same spot as in the original map. If time was money I'd be rich off this map.


    Red Base

    Blue Base


    Side of Red Base 1

    Side of Red Base 2

    Red Snipe

    Red BR

    Side of Blue Base 1

    Side of Blue Base 2

    Bonus Shooting Lane


    I want to thank everyone who downloads this remake of "Sanctuary" from Halo 2. Also thank you for the comments and feedback.

    Download MLG Holy Ground v2
    Download MLG TS v4
    #1 Ninja Shizoku, Mar 18, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2008
  2. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    This looks like a good remake of sanctuary. Obviously there were map size restriction, but it looks like you used the space well.
  3. Sid

    Sid Ancient
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    Looks amazing for all types of competative game good work.
  4. Ninja Shizoku

    Ninja Shizoku Ancient
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    If only Bungie dropped a new map 4x the size, perfectly square, with 8x the supplies. But then Bungie's maps would never get played.
  5. furbyxxx

    furbyxxx Ancient
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    i was to lazy to read ur thing so idk if u did this on purpose but the bases remind me som much of the bases on sanctuary fomr halo 2. Come to think abotu it u prob did do this on purpose considering hte map is called holy ground.
  6. NaStY

    NaStY Ancient
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    Looks aMAYzing, DLing right now. Really excellent work - this takes a keen eye to notice why this is so good. You worked hard to preserve the RIGHT parts of sanctuary. You took care to keep the angles, jumps and map flow the same, while not sweating the size constraints.
  7. Towelh3adNatI0n

    Towelh3adNatI0n Ancient
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    holy crap!!! someone finally made a better sanctuary remake then me! wow! i never thought i would see the day when this happened! i congradulate you sir :squirrel_chatting:
  8. Roche178

    Roche178 Ancient
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    Looks like an excellent remake well done I love your use of interlocking very well you pulled it off quite well you used Foundrys space quite well its no easy task to create a remake as accurate as this. I wish you only the best towards all your future maps good job.
  9. NaStY

    NaStY Ancient
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    Suggestions for V2:

    1. You spend a LOT of resources putting walls and shield doors in the corners, and then having teleporters behind them and death rooms.

    -Remove death rooms and put all teleporters on one channel, put one receiver outside level to create insta-death.
    -Remove the walls in the corners. There was never much bouncing of grenades in to those areas anywhere.

    Also, your solution for the "crack" at the back of each base is pretty resource heavy. If you want to really make the map great:
    -Take the extra time to remove the makeshift walls back there and merge the doubleboxes with the geometry, along with (*grimace*) the ramps on either side.
    -Move the front ramp which met those doubleboxes back as well.
    -Move the two doubles that are perpendicular to the wall back even more
    -Turn the dumpsters at the foot of the front ramp so that the long edge is along the ramp, rather than the boxes

    This will really open this area up and make it feel more spacious, because right now those doubleboxes come so close to ring that the area between them feels more like a corridor than a courtyard.


    You have a lot of dumpsters at the foot of ramps. Don't sweat it, they take up space and close up lines of sight - they're not worth the trouble just to keep a few nades from going under ramps. Especially the dumpster on rocks side of the base. Traditionally you have to jump from the "rocks" (I think it's a crate in our case) to get up to that BR spawn, but with that dumpster you can sort of just appear in somebody's face. The ramp right next to it is really easy to get killed on, so if you have that easy dumpster jump right there, people will never touch that ramp.


    Right now you have stairs leading to the sniper area. They make it claustrophobic, and nobody ever actually walked up those little ramps in the original sanctuary. Go ahead and make that one a vertical dumpster that you can jump on, it won't change map flow and it will bring back the feel of that area more.


    The two corners that create a "ceiling" over ring are unnecessary. In the original you could see straight down, so save yourself some wall corners and keep that line of sight open. Ring 3 is a very treacherous position that's difficult to get to and easy to be seen in - don't make it suck more :)


    Over by Carbine you have two merged walls and a window panel - why?? This edge is totally open in the original sanctuary. If you're worried about lines of sight (since the map IS smaller and w/o anything there might be a rather direct view of the enemy's rocks spawn) then use the walls to make a small little railing or something (aka merge them almost all the way down with the box but not quite). This should do the trick.


    Biggest problem for map flow: you can jump straight from the base to the original PP walkway. This totally changes the map dynamic. Suggestion? Take your newly freed up fencewalls from the death room and have 1 or 2 fencewalls extending from ring out to meet the barriers on this walkway. This way you'll still be able to shoot at people in this area, but it will be much harder to jump up there from the base. You might even consider raising them in to the air a bit so that if someone was standing there their feet would be totally open. This would allow you to grenade this walkway (which you tended to do a lot in the original) from the base area.

    Don't think I dislike the map - it's just that I see this as a very workable re-make that could become an insanely good map. So I put a lot of time in to reviewing it and finding specific ways to improve it. Hopefully these changes will conserve a lot of resources, open up and polish the map, improve gameplay, and perhaps even keep you from needing to be budget glitched.

    Cheers :)
  10. ferrari504

    ferrari504 Ancient
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    wow...this looks like the best map ive seen in a while

    you have my download!!!
  11. Ninja Shizoku

    Ninja Shizoku Ancient
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    Wow, thank you for all your helpful advice. In v2 I'll slide the bases back, and take out the stairs leading up to snipe, freeing up enough stairs to slide stairs in the back of the bases on both sides, thus freeing up the need for those dumpsters so i can put those elsewhere for jumping and then I can use the walls from the back of the base and use them to help block in the arena. 4. you said you don't like the ultra fresh roof , gone. I agree with the roof it seems to powerful. 5. There is a fairly simple answer, in the original there was a wall, the stairs were at an angle, one I didn't have to work with so I improvised to create the same cover wall and now you can't just nade right down mauler tunnel. 6. I can push the front boxes back and rotate the dumpsters if I can still make the jump i might be able to do like you said but with the now free real walls,and I'll lower 'em for cover, maybe I'll replace the whole thing with a wall lowered to about chest high. Let me know what you think I'll see what I can do. Thanks again .
  12. Critical Ghost

    Critical Ghost Ancient
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    best sancutary remake yet
  13. NaStY

    NaStY Ancient
    Senior Member

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    No problem, sounds good :D
  14. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks amazing, you really out did yourself. I'll do a forge through and tell you how well you did.
  15. Ninja Shizoku

    Ninja Shizoku Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Awesome, Thank You.
  16. darkmuse19

    darkmuse19 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    really great looking man downloading 4 sure
  17. Mister Gigglez

    Mister Gigglez Ancient
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    That map looks sweet
  18. Ninja Shizoku

    Ninja Shizoku Ancient
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    Construction for Holy Ground v2 is underway, if anyone has any other suggestions please now is the time.
  19. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    This is probably one of the best remakes I have seen, I also like it very much because you didn't try to copy it exactly but instead incorporated some of your own ideas. Good job. - Brute Captain
  20. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
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    i don't really remeber snctuary and my box is being fixed so i can't download to try and make a comparison but this map looks good none the less

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