Whats up.. Im really bored.. I need a laugh. Help me out a little here.. What is your best and most memorable experience droppin' a deuce aka takin' a dump aka pinchin' a log aka droppin' a load?
I feel that every poop is just a little blessing from god. One time I took a dooger so bad the ceilings had to be cleaned.
a while back some of my friends put surrand-wrap under the top seat of my toilet.. I sat down, not noticing anything cuz i had to **** so bad.. Well you can picture what happened next.... bastards.
Well to be honest,lol I started using the bath room one day and was on the toilet for 6 hours and got it half way out, then it just broke apart, so the next day, I started to use the bath room again and it took me 6 more hours to get the second half out
lol. one time my little brother had a hotwheel cake for his birthday, and i had some of the black frosting that was supposed to be the road. so did everyone else. i only had 1 bite, it was horrible. then later that night i was in the bathroom for 3 hours. just pooping green terds/diarhea. turns out everybody who had black frosting got diarrhea.
I had the flu 3 years ago. It basically went as followed. Diarrhea The smell made me throw up. Diarrhea Threw up again.
I hate it when you ****, and the huge splash makes the piss in the toilet hit your arse. Ewww... The worst thing had to be when I had meat, and I must have accidentally swallowed one of the strings that held the meat together. So when it came out the other side, I had this reinforced turd that was broken up into about three pieces along the string. 5 minutes later, I just had this one lump on the end of the string and the other end of the string atill up my arse, and i shook my arse and the turd on the end hit the backs of my legs and then I had to pull the bit of string out of my arsehole with my hands... Too graphical?
LOL i laughed that whole time i rea that. rofl... whenever i take a big turd it hurts like hell. like a year and a half ago i shoved something up my ass once, and it musta torn something cuz it still hurts like a *****.
A lot of years ago i pooped so hard the splash drowned me i came back alive and killed hitler bit mike tysons ear off tortured Zak Efron then made a FH account.
WHY!?!?!?!? If have no idea why you would do that.. unless of course you are a girl.. then i understand a little more...
Once when I used the toilet while I was sick, I had burning diarrhea. It felt like there was a fire in my asshole, it hurt so bad.
im a dude. i was just sort of experimenting with my body. it was, like i said, a year ago(maybe a year and a half). and, just so you know, anal penetration feels the same with girls and guys. thats why getting a girl to go anal is such a prized thing. if not done perfectly, the inner lining can tear, which is very painful when doing anything with your butt. f done enough, it can even rip and bleed. as you may expect, the poo then goes into the wounds and into the bloodstream if not treated carefully.