I still need to buy the newest Pokemon game that came out. I pwned the **** out of diamond. I transferred my BLACK ****ING CHARIZARD
Beautiful Katamari, although I love that game. Tenchu Series, it's like MGS with ninjas. Mario Party Series, nothing to say. Pokemon and lastly Viva Pinata. Although they were fun...
All I have is a yellow Rhyperior, Green Skamory, Pink Crobat, shiny Zigzagoon, Pink Butterfree and a Red Shiftry. I'd trade all of those for a shiny Legendary or Starter though... More so Ruby backwards ones. I hate the DPP starters.
I can get you a shiny ANY pokemon. Haxorz for the Winzorz. Tell me what pokemon and what effect. I'll trade on Pokemon Platinum.
Hacks suck. Unless it's for those stupid Pokemon that you have to go to special events for. Why did Game Freak make you go there just to get them? And after every generation, they make more of them.
It's a rather obvious answer, I was more or less complaining about the fact that the devs just make a game and cut off the best Pokemon to those that buy the game and give it to those who go to the special events.
Dude the DPP starters are all really good cept for the turtwig evolution which is still decent. Empoleon and Infernape are both suitable for OU play.
i disagree. i prefer the turtwig full evolution(the middle on is **** though) and infernape rather than pengin thing. if you are talking stats/moves, i still pck them in that order. which is odd, because i usually only use fire starters except for RYB. those were awesome. they should remake silver god and crystal, and have t like they do where you then go over at the end to the original island and battle thoseguys. who didnt love fighting 16 leaders?!
I would have to go with Viva Pinata. Played the demo, and then had to get it. Kinda walked out of gamestop pretty quickly after I had paid.....
Mixape rapes a good deal more OU teams than it should. I was running one in a set on Shoddy a few weeks ago; it seems many have forgotten about it and are no longer prepared. I came back to the metagame about a month ago, found Garchomp uber, and cried tears of joy. POKEMON FOR THE ****ING WIN Seriously guys, we need to start an FH WiFi battling club or something. That would be sweet.
Firstly, I'd like to point out that ANYONE who plays WoW should automatically be ashamed of themselves, but that's beside the point. I'm ashamed to like Halo 3. It's a sub-par game that everyone thinks is the most amazing thing to ever hit the planet, yet somehow I keep getting myself drawn back to it. Campaign: Sub-par. Multiplayer: Boring. Custom Games: FTW. I guess it's the game's saving grace. Otherwise, I really wouldn't play it.