Map Name: ALTAR # of Players: 2-6 Recommended Game types: KOTH, FFA, TS Helllooooo everyone, MadZ here, some of you may know me as D4VY JON3S, but I have a Guardian variant of mine to show you, and it is called ALTAR. In ALTAR, what people know as "Bottom Gold" is completely blocked off, there is no way to enter is whatsoever. There is a secondary elevator that leads from "Bottom-Mid" up to "Top Gold" and a pallet bridge that leads from the shotgun corner across the gap to the elevator. The shotgun has been removed and another Teleporter-elevator (it teleports you in the gold lift) was placed in there. To prevent people from entering the teleporter from the top where to explosives are, i placed a crate which I call the "Green Box" because of its ominous green color. In the very center of the map is the Altar, which is the barrels stacked two-fold in the circular "Top-Mid". The weapon theme for ALTAR is fire. Fire grenades, and a Flamethrower. Here's the official list: [Weapon] [count] [re-spawn time] [location] Flamethrower x1 180sec. In the Altar (Top-Mid) Sniper x1 120sec. "Snipe-2" Mauler x2 45sec. The green lift & the pallet bridge Br x8 30sec. EVERYWHERE Smg x2 30sec. "Snipe-3" Firebomb 'Nades x8 10sec. (located by most weapons) Needler x1 45sec. "Hammer-Spawn" PICS The ALTAR The "Pallet Bridge" (mauler can be seen on the ledge) The elevator and "Green Box" Downlaod ALTAR here
Finally! A map that I wanted but was too lazy to make! This is awesome. Obviously, the pallet bridge is the best part. It must've been hard to make. I like how you blocked off some of the places in the map. If I were you, I would add more weapons to make it more intense.
i made that bridge because you have to jump onto the ledge and then across the gap. i find that the bridge makes gameplay smoother. It also helps redirect movement around bottom gold, a lot of people that don't know the map well will think that it is a dead end. Why to you is it just OK can you tell me more reasons?
It's cool how you basically just reshaped the map, and I know there are not many objects to forge with on Guardian, so that was probably pretty hard. Way to try something new. My advice would probably be to just do more with it (if you aren't out of objects). Block of other areas and make alternative ways to get around the map. Overall though good job.
I've run out of teleporter 'nodes. I really wanted to do more, but I don't know how else to do it. The only other possibility was to use weapon holders because they are immovable, but I used them to hold the barrels in the Altar in place.
I think that putting the flamethrower in the middle was a bad idea, because it slows you down and puts you in the open, with a close range weapon.
Wow a Guardian map, that's a first I don't believe I've seen one of those before. Anyways, I think this is very well made, especially the pallet bridge, which I'm sure it took you quite some time to do. I also like the fact that you blocked off some places. Good job. 4 stars
I can understand your second reason, but with a little bit of practice, it becomes as easy making that in one jump as making the orbital jump in one. A second nature for me by now. Anyway, you beat me. I was thinking of doing this myself. Glad I didn't. Your's came out better. Nice job.
dude this is amazing for a guardian map, its like you cracked open the shell on this map 4/5 (the reason it is 4 is cause I hate guardian )
One of the best Pre-dlcs by far, i Give it a 4.5/5 could be a 5 with a little clean up (I know how hard that is on pre-dlc maps.) but anyways, I think it perfectly uses the actual geometry of the map wel along with the parts you added in.