Star Fox's Ship This is an exact replica of Star Fox's fighter ship from all of his popular video games. It is hard to describe this but I will show you in picture form!! Please Download and Rate my map
Re: Star Fox's Ship I have to agree with Monkey, it doesn't look that great. Keep working though I would love to see a good replica of Star Fox's Ship, that was probably one of my all time favorite games.
Re: Star Fox's Ship There could be more detail and an actual cockpit and the stairs, you can see right through them maybe make a merged one....
thx for the comment im glad you liked it. but v2 is now out download it here: Star Fox Ship v2. In this one you can actually play on it with slayer, CTF, and assault!
looks like a pretty good arwing, but it could be better. maybe put a little more time into it to make more details, and it will be great. good job anyway, and keep trying!
i appreciate the effort but it looks simple although i am sure you put a lot of time into it i think you should start over and make it bigger and possibly playable
This person has been given a warning because of their unhelpful, spam-like, reply. Spoiler not that good need more details to it.