Just curious. Which one do you think is better? Fallout 3 or Bioshock? Why? Score so far: Bioshock -- 11 Fallout 3 -- 16
in my opinion, Fallout 3. it is just orgasmic and i still have not finished it due to its hugeness and amazing weapons shizzle.
bioshock, i like how the game play is. at first its a lil' startling. plus all over good linear gameplay.
Your an idiot. Now that have that out of the way, i would have to say they are both amazing, and both so different i cant just choose one. I will say that i got more play time out of Fallout, but Bioshock seemed more polished, while i liked the Fallout 3 story better. They both have extremely lame endings though. Fallout has way more weapons, while Bioshock allows you to customize your weapons. At the end of the day, Bioshock is a linear FPS with a lot of RPG elements, and Fallout 3 is an open world, open ended, action RPG. For me, Fallout 3 takes the cake.
I have only played the demo for Bioshock, And I can tell it's like the 1950's but furturistic , just like Fallout 3. The combat is much better than Fallout 3 but for me that's it. Fallout 3 is open world too. So I'm going to say Fallout 3, I want to play the full game for bioshock too though.
they are both great games. but they are different. so you cant really compare which is a better game, it basically you opinion of game genres. i personally liked fallout, open world>linear.
i haven't played bioshock but fallout to me wasn't that great. there's no skill involved and it's basically just a game of exploration game of wack-a-mole. my friends said bioshock was fantastic, I would go with that.
I own Fallout and I've played Bio Shock, and I'd have to say: Fallout. Fallout is made by the best game developers, the guys who made Oblivion.
Fallout 3, Bioshock is a game you'd play once then whenever you try to replay it it would fail because it relies so heavily on shock value and searching/puzzle solving and once you've done that once you will have a basic memory of how to do it over again and it will be no fun... that's not to say I won't be getting sea of dreams though...
I personally like Fallout 3 better. It has so much awesome stuff and a good theme. The combat is fine. And there is DLC. The Gameplay runs over 100 hrs
Although the game is long, how are you guys getting 100 hours out of it. There are only 2 achievements i dont have for the main game i think, and i only have like 40.
My main file has like 80, but I have a couple others floating around. Also, I didn't use any guides. Period. The exploration in itself was enough to get me hooked on that game, not to mention the fact that I took things slow to drink in the awesomeness crafted by Bethesda.
Bioshock appealed to me on many many levels. Its what i like to see in a game. Fallout 3 was cool, but it didnt have the same originality or spark to me that bioshock did.
I am going to have to say Fallout 3. While I loved Bioshock, and I think the story was better in almost every respect, it just does not keep me coming. I know this has been said, but Fallout 3 was longer and had more things to do than Bioshock. Also on the fun factor I think Fallout is higher than Bioshock because you can do a lot more things. I just had more fun playing Fallout 3 compared to Bioshock. They are both great games though.
Bioshock was a great, dont get me wrong, but Fallout 3 appealed to me i guess just because i was used to Oblivion [which IMO was an amazing game]
Don't wrong me, I like both games. For me, I love Fallout 3 better. One word. DLC Well, three words compressed into one, but you get the point... BioShock is too linear for me, and Fallout 3 is so huge. Oh, BioShock 2 is coming out soon! =)
So, your going on something your friends told you? Personley, I don't think you should have voiced your opinion since you haven't played both games. I think Fallout 3 is a much better game for all the above metioned reasons, really.