After some tweaking, im happy with this map. I tried to use the gloomy effect but its just too dark in the crypt. Anyway, the general idea is that the humans had to fortify this hotel complex to survive the Viral Outbreak (the custom gametype to go with the map). The pictures say it all really. The little building has 2 floors plus a roof and the big on has 3 plus a roof. Download it and give it a shot. it works best with big parties. Horror Hotel: Viral Outbreak: Halo 3 File Details
the map has been updated as the other member said. plus, the first two threads were just a mix-up and one was removed right away. secondly, the one from be fore got deleted by accident i think cuz i put the title in wrong. either way, this is the only thread for this map now and it is the final version of the map too. thanks
get sandbox on the ninth and download it then. you should probably check out my other map in my fileshare cuz its more of a serious/competitive map for team CTF
I love the map. The bridges on the structures makes the map have a scary feeling. 4/5 The map is a little empty and would be nice if there was a middle structure that was large.
thanks a lot. im thinking about adding a middle structure, but i already hit the item limit. if you actually play on it, it doesnt feel too empty cuz almost all of the fighting happens in the buildings or the tube pieces. send me a friend request and we'll get a custom going sometime one minor modification has been made since the posting of this thread. download from the link above and youll have the newer more playable version. you probably wont even notice it except on little hiccup is gone ok guys. this is for all you new mythic owners. this maps is really fun for infection matches. give it a whirl and lmk what you think
Try to avoid triple posting, just edit your post next time. The map look spretty cool. I lovve how you used the wooden bridges for window covers. 4/5
ok yeah. with the time between the posts, i wasnt even paying attention. thanks for the compliments though. it looked very nice to put the gloomy effect on, but the crypt is just too dark so it was slightly annoying