How many calories have you burned? - Lower brain activity (and thus calorie use) when watching TV than any other activity. Fat & Stupid & Stereotyped! *thumbs up*
Agreed.... sigh... The first two seasons of 2 1/2 Men were funny, but the situational comedy got old and stale. Season 4 should have ended the show. Scrubs and How I Met Your Mother would be the last two good sitcoms on television at the moment... and possibly others I haven't quite found yet.
Well i personally love this show I haven't seen every episode and and i have only seen it on T.V so it has not gone old, for me. Every episode i have seen are great and i have lol'd so much at them
im in america, and unfortunately what you say is true. i have to face so many idiots every single day. of course i live down south so maybe its just that im in hick country?.....