What tactics on Halo Wars works for you?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by chandlerkravitz, Mar 25, 2009.

  1. chandlerkravitz

    chandlerkravitz Ancient
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    What are some of your tactics that really work?
  2. RadioActiveBeaver

    Senior Member

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    Rush Wars as some people like to call it although rushing as always been around in strat games. Adapt to rushing or get owned. Arby and Hog rushes are my personal favs.
  3. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Build scorpions, put spartans in them. Then upgrade to grizzlies and keep pressing. Don't let them get another base.
  4. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    Secretly surround a base with elephants when the use is building their army and attack from all directions at once. The player is minding his own business building scorpions and suddenly a group of marines attack from one direction then another group from another, and another. The overwhelming army Will chip away at the scorpions until they die and if the scorpions die they are forced to use their leader powers. once these leader powers are out of play just continually build marines and command them to attack the base. This isn't a rush, It can be used anytime during the game to take out players with only one base or so. have been going on as far as RTS have been around and they are tactics. SMART tactics!

    Fully upgrade your prophet to full flight capabilities and hover him over a hill. You no longer have to worry about ground vehicles. Have tons of warehouses and a hall to train grunts. Upgrade your warehouses and grunts as much as possible. Train the grunts and have them gather at your enemy's doorstep. Just out of vision range. Have your prophet charge the laser and maneuver it over your enemy's army in progress destroying everything. Once his army is decimated send your grunts in and have them chip away at the army.

  5. abandoned heretic

    Senior Member

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    rushs work but i dont like using them i suggest using the scout unit u start with to see what your enemy is doing and base your tactics from what your enemy is doing
  6. 07WRX

    07WRX Ancient
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    Thats an intelligent observation and works well, then base your strategy off of your scouting and don't quit even if you know you're going to lose. lol
  7. iRaynne

    iRaynne Ancient
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    I rush. Not because I like to but because it works.

    I use the prophet. Right when you start, build four buildings in this order: temple, warehouse, warehouse, warehouse. Also, send your ghosts to get supplies as soon and fast as possible.

    Once the temple spawns, get your arbiter to travel just outside the enemy base, just far enough so they won't see he's there. Then start spamming Elite Honor Guards after making the flagpoint on the gravity lift. Now all your units will automatically spawn to your hero.

    Once you have three Honor Guards with your Prophet, start attacking. Attack all towers as soon as possible with the cleansing beam, and then any infantry or warthogs. (They won't have much else during this stage in the game). While you're doing this you should still be creating guards and a Hall to create jackals, a couple grunts, and the occasional Hunter pair.

    You'll win.

  8. BIGGnelson

    BIGGnelson Ancient
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    -Arbiter Harassment-

    Or i had this happen to me 2 guys were prophets they sent them in and i was like o i will kill em with arbiter but they had jackals and these jackals being anti infantry took out my leader in seconds then they continually made jackals which were quick and cheap and destroyed us in no time it sucked. This rush seems to fail when other team does warthog rush but if they warthog rush instead of building jackals switch to hunters
  9. Snict

    Snict Ancient
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    I normally go for rush tactics and keep piling on the pressure till either they leave or I have won/Run out of resouces.
    #9 Snict, Apr 1, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2009
  10. penguin asassin

    penguin asassin Ancient
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    i do the vulture/grizzly parade. Just stall then go in for the kill. Keep spawning vulturs so you alway have 3, put your spartans in grizzlys
  11. FreshCherry

    FreshCherry Ancient
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    I sometimes build up a **** load of defense items. I let the enemy attack me first, so they get weakened. While they are attacking, I build attack items elsewhere. I then attack once the enemy leaves to rebuild.
  12. SM3JAY

    SM3JAY Ancient
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    Although I don't like using it, rushing really does work. Also I noticed when your are playing as the prophet and you use their special attack to destroy buildings, they can go down in a matter of seconds. I dunno but that seems to work for me.

    CO0LBEANS Ancient
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    I usually just try to make as many Gauss Hogs as I possibly can and try to overpower the enemy by my sheer volume, but I still haven't got the N00b n0 M0r3 Achievement...
  14. HaterSkater15

    HaterSkater15 Ancient
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    I usually just charge in and hope I'll be able to win, usually it ends up being an epic fail or a epic win.
  15. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
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    I don't rush, i build, and i don't have tactics for you, but i do have pointers, and my setup.

    This is my settup: I use cutter, i build two supply pads, then a barracks obama, build some troops (including flamers, don't underesimate them) to defend agains rushes, than build up and take a second base, train vehicles then it's game over.
    • Scout regularly, so you can counder your enemies units. If they build marines, get flame throwers <-- they kick ass
    • ODSTs require just three technologies, and the hot-drop is amazingly convinient. You can drive a warthog straight into their base, then what do you do? Drop ODSTs! Getting attacked at the other side of the map? Drop ODSTs! Don't wanna build turrets? Drop ODSTs! (once they attack you) You don't even need barracks after you develope ODSTs!
    • Vehicles are great if you're not rushing. With flamethrowers, cobras, and wolverines are anti-everything, which is a huge advantage.
    • Tanks kill covinent leaders, another reason to build vehicle depots
    • Always prioritize supply pads first, if you build a pad than something else, you get supplies while your building something else.
    • Use the pelican, alot of people forget about that!
    • Scout if you don't have anything else to do.
    • Destroy your building before they do, you get money back
    • If your rushing as covonent (theres no other way to do it) Build supply pads, buy a temple, and build either troops, wraiths, banshies, or something that requires low technology, set the rally point (on your bases menu) place in on the funny purple carpet, it will teleport all your guys to your leader, just keep your leader alive and you'll have quick effective rush. But your still a douchebag for ruching... theres nothing you can do about that.
    I like my naughty little mini-guide. It packs a :punch:

    - Uh, ya, flame throwers are anti-infantry and wolferines are anti-air, for all you who don't know that.
    - This isn't a "Post here if you suck at halo wars and want to say theres no tactics" thread
    #15 Seaboro Kibbles, Apr 3, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2009
  16. iRaynne

    iRaynne Ancient
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    Flamethrowers are only anti-infantry. They're worthless against air units and vehicles.
    Wolverines are also mostly anti-air.
  17. Katanga

    Katanga Ancient
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    Build Big Units,
    Run forwards,
    Press LB, then A on enemy base.

    In fairness, HW isn't that tactical in the slightest, it's very watered down for an RTS.
  18. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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    Army of Vultures + 2 Hawks/ Arms of ODST/Army of Fully Upgraded Warthogs
  19. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    I am quite partial to the hunter rush personally. Just build 21 hunters or so and fully upgrade. Have 2 halls. One for upgrades and one for hunters. Nothing can stop that many hunters.
  20. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    One thing I've found to be very effective in reinforcements is pelicans.
    I almost never use them in standard but hit and runs can cause so much damage in the new gametype.
    Dropping in 3 veteran scorpions and torching some supply pads and evac them straight out before he can react is not only hilarious fun but can cripple your enemy in the long run.
    If you really schemy you can "evac" them straight to another of his bases and keep his army running

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