PIC PROBLEM SORTED!!! Through Fences Aim: The idea for this map arose when i was explaining to someone why halo was so good [mainly becos u can forge ur own maps]. This was met with a reply of 'Wow, wouldn't it be cool if someone made a map with tons of teleporters on it.' And so Through Fences was born. I must say now, there are probably many maps of this type on Forge Hub, but none have been featured [2 the best of my knowledge]. Therefore i decided to give this map a shot. Description:[/b][/u] The map is made up of 24 'squares', each containing a teleporter and each being the length of single box. These are split up by fences. On one side of the map there is a 4 square long corridor [containing an active camo, sniper and rocket launcher] ... ...and in the middle there is a fence box containing a gravity hammer. 2 teleporters lead to the g hammer , but the rest are all completely random. Weapons: There are battle rifles scattered around the map, as well as 2 smgs, 2 maulers, a sniper, rocket launcher and gravity hammer. There is also an active camo with the sniper and rocket launcher. Gameplay: 1: The rocket launcher will often result in suicides, remember- it cannot fire through fences! 2: Assassinations are very common- as can be seen here [in this one, i distract the two blues to allow my team mate to assassinate one ] 3: The gh box is often a choke-point, don't get trapped in there! 4: There are a lot of times when someone will stick someone else and then the stuck person will not be able to follow the sticker because the teleporters are random. Don't get stuck! In bothe these cases the person in the foreground is the sticker. http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk250/Altair4PM/Stick2.jpg Weird stuff: Here, the franticness of a match is summed up; someone threw a grenade which exploded [bottom of screen u can see smoke]. This pushed me (the red person) into a teleporter [which is why i'm in the air]. As this happened the first person again threw a plasma grenade [foreground]. The result is the first person looks stupid :-] http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk250/Altair4PM/Ill-placedgrenade.jpg Here, my friend [purple-don't ask me why] tries to snipe me (red) and is actually a fraction of a second off. In this it looks like he's not even aiming for me cos i go through a teleporter. Here, I get stuck by my friend. I melee him [as can be seen by the state of his shields] but this takes him through a teleporter to be behind me. This, as u can imagine, made me think there was something wrong with my xbox. Here, my friend kills me and I fall through a teleporter. The result is that i die when he's shooting about 90 degrees in the wrong direction! Final: This map works great for ANY free 4 all game [especially swords, hammers, nades and spades and crazy king]. I would appreciate greatly any feedback, but bare in mind this is my first post ;-] One final pic: Download Through Fences
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Hard drive? I am awful with computers, if I have a macbook, is just putting the photos in a folder on finder enough? (I did this, used imageshack.us but then the pictures look like '?'). HELP ME!!!!
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ive thought of a mpa like this but couldnt realy come up with a way to pull it off. glad you did looks awresome. with all the teleporters it reminds me of the map on halo CE whoose name escapes me at the moment lol.
Sounds like a very close quarters map while I cannot tell the map layout from your pics due to their size the only advice I can really offer is I think you should take out the hammer as it is ver unbalanced and would easily overpower any other weapon especially on a map as small as yours.
I don't know why the pics are small, sorry. You are correct, the map is very small and close quarters, but actually the gravity hammer is not overpowered because people stay near to each other for a very short time as they constantly move. Because i used fences instead of walls, the gravity hammer weilder can be shot down from anywhere on the map. In fact, the sniper is the most powerful weapon if used correctly. Thankyou for taking the time to examine the tiny pics. Problem will hopefully be fixed shortly.
Well, it was all or nothing really... Glad some of u liked it. Look out 4 my GLM gametypes, out soon!
looks cool but if i were u id call it like, Funhouse, or Hall of Mirrors or something cause im sure it can get confusing, like running into walls a lot and all but name or not, looks great
Captain Obvious salutes you... And most of this map seems well executed except for the height of the walls. As much as we all hate grenade jumpers, it seems really easy to get on top of everything. Unless I missed something...
Yeah, that can be a problem, but to be honest, I did this once and I couldn't see anyone... until I got stuck 2 seconds later. And only having 1 level gave it a better feel. Oh, and zstrike, I think they're a little cliched, and plus, I couldn't think of a good name. (I'm saving hall of mirrors until bungie actually puts them in maps)
this looks like fun, the only thing is i would put fence walls (providing you have some left) on the ground in the gaps so that there isn't a bump while you transfer between surfaces.
Hmm, nice idea... I love these comments, although personally i find bumps inevitable as clearly explosions and g hammer shockwaves will send u flying :-] Thanks a lot for the criticism, it will help a lot with future maps.
How about Paranoia as a name? It looks like your gonna be shiting yourself to see where everyone is amongst the chaos. Look like a fun laugh for a mid sized party,Ill DL
Yeh, its pretty hectic. I LOVE to drag a party out of matchmaking into this map and watch the fireworks! Another great thing about this is novices can easily win if they have bettertactics than the expert aimers and whatnot.