This Thread is for America's No.1 Sitcom TWO and a half MEN. Post your dicussions and opinions on the hit TV series. Two And A Half Men is all about 2 guys (Charlie And Allan) and Allans son, Jake. Allan is a divorced guy who came to his brother Charlie in a time of need with his son Jake. Charlie also has a maid... Berta. Shes one of the toughest women around and wont be messed with! WHATS YOUR SAY... Thanks TexturedSun for moving the thread. I was reading Game Discussion then I accidently poested it. :S
I love this show. I have the first season DVD. I havn't seen any new episodes, but I like the episodes with Candy
Ok then. Can we have a mod get this moved. Other then that, This show kicks ass. People say I look like Jake a little bit.
i watch it almost every night unless im busy. unfortunately i dun get to watch new ones on monday because i have baseball sadfaic
The first few seasons have been playing on TV recently, and I begun to watch it for the first time and I tire of it. Recycled jokes + 1 dimensional characters = predictable. They overuse all the unoriginal jokes and you can predict what'll happen in X situation. I grew tired of Two and a Half men, I stopped recording it a few weeks ago. I've watched some of the more recent episodes and they're much worse. The only thing that made Jake the character that he is/was was his youth, innocence and cutness. Now he's just some awkward chubby teen throwing out a few witty puns and references to modern pop culture.
Friends had 6 main characters. All with their own original personalities. The situations in friends change episode to episode. Two and a Half men has 3 main characters(gauranteed to appear in the episode). An anxious divorce, a womaniser, a child. Situations are predictable.
Two and a Half Men is a funny show, it's probably one of the only shows that I watch now. Charlie always crack me up when he is mad a Allen or drunk.
Its okay. I usually end up watching it just cause its on during the 9:00-9:30 timeframe, right after House.
Ya the episodes when Jake was young were the best ones. I havn't been watching any new episodes, but I might start watching them. What do you guys think the perfect ending for the show would be if they had to end it?
The show's too predictable, it's the only thing that's ever sent me to sleep on a long plane trip. Watch How I Met Your Mother instead, funny **** right there...
He sleeps with a different woman every night it seemsMost people can only do that in their hopes and dreams.
I forgot to mention that the fact that such a predictable show is the highest rating sitcom in America is a testament to the widely-accepted belief (outside America of course) that America's IQ is going down the drain...