ATTENTiON!!!! This section is not a spam section. I know it is april fools day, hell it was my idea to have a joke for the site. But keep it out of here, and all other places except for the guilder section! ALRIGHT!
Well, I think this April fools joke sucks, its really horrible and you see what it has caused. It almost as bad as my mom saying she was laid off (Very Likely). But thank God its a joke
I just wanted default foundry featured and possibly a fake staff forum that everyone could see. not this! Do your part, don't post spam in a serious section.
You're just jealous because you're not Guilder. Grif, if this was not the spam forum, then we would all be banned right now.
Your happy cause you have a non-existent rank. But really what did the guy who came up with this think was going to happen?
i thought i was going to get a solid laugh, personally. ...for the record, i did. (from what portion of chaos i created, that is.)
I see plenty online. Also, you shouldn't have asked for a demotion. You have no right to complain about it ever since you asked for the demotion.
Hey I'm not complaining about it. People have reasons they are not online. You can't require people to be online all the time.
lol to everyone who thinks this is a big deal, srsly, its an online forums site. just make a new one when this one collapses, duh. ;P EDIT: i dont know why, maybe its because you're arguing AGAINST frag man, but im siding with Grif, and i dont even know what this mess is about...