What was your first ever Xbox 360 game. Mine was Tony Hawk Project 8, then Gears of War, followed up by Dead Rising.
I bought both Halo 3 and Call of Duty 4 on the same day. Although Halo 3 is what basically inspired me to buy an xbox.
Lol, I got my X-box when it first came out like 3 years ago or something. The first game i got and really liked was Lost Planet. It was so fun online and I loved it. But now tried to play it the other day and the grahics are horrible, shows you how fast games are going,lol
NBA Live 07 That was on my old account...when I did not have Xbox LIVE yet. But now I deleted that account.
Really? You consider Lost Planet graphics horrible. IMO they are still awesome, amazing snow effects. I played it the other day, and still thought the graphics looked up to date.
yea, they are still decent, but after playing halo 3 and call of duty and stuff like that, they are not that good,lol, but i do like how you have like a grapple where you can climb buildings
Oblivion. Played it at a friend's place. Then bought it along with Perfect Dark Zero and a 360 that afternoon.
My first game was Perfect Dark Zero. I don't know why exactly I got it. It wasn't my top choice of game. Actually, come to think of it, I got Perfect Dark so my brother and I could play together.
Perfect Dark Zero was my first game. I thought it was awesome until all of the good games came out lol
Since I got my 360 for christmas, I got like 4 other games at the same time. I got halo 3, beautiful katamari, GH 3, and tony hawk project 8. I ended up selling all of them except halo because halo rapes. XD
I got my 360 a few months before Halo 3, and Halo 3 was the first 360 game I got, but I had an original xbox with some games like Halo 2.