Debate God

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nitrous, Dec 17, 2008.

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  1. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
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    How's it hypocritical? I'm listening and have listened to other peoples thoughts/theories/beliefs.
  2. Azrius

    Azrius Ancient
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    Seems pretty hypocritical to me. Also, making generalizations only makes you look stupid.
    #722 Azrius, Mar 27, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2009
  3. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
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    That's not the topic we were on. He was calling me a hypocrite for saying atheists were hypocrites.
  4. Azrius

    Azrius Ancient
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    Which is a generalization, and is essentially like me saying "Christians are stupid".

    I've said it once, and I'll say it again. If you can't debate without being insulting and condescending, get the **** out.
  5. idiotninja

    idiotninja Ancient
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    Are you going to answer Nitrous's or my post?
  6. Cronato

    Cronato Ancient
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    Stickman it would be wise of you too shut up.
  7. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    This has nothing to do with the thread. We don't need your insults in this thread. All you have been doing is spamming my profile and talking about how you hate America. Seriously stop, all your doing is embarrassing yourself. Nobody is laughing at you. Your just being and ignorant smart @$$ who thinks he is cool.

    On Topic..
    Ok I just have a question. I'm in 9th grade, and are evolution unit ended a while back. I wanted to ask what is evolutions theory for what all the dust and gas came from in the beginning?

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    Um...when did I say that?
  9. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    Imagine evolution as a class. You have a few basic classes. English class, math class, and evolution class. In English you learn English and in Math you learn Math. In the same way, evolution only describes the biological diversity of the system. Evolution does not explain how the biology got there, where matter came from, or where anything came from. Evolution strictly relates to its own field and does not comment on other fields. If you'd like to learn more about other fields you'll have to branch off and study: The Big Bang, Nebula formation, etc.
  10. Doog Nit

    Doog Nit Ancient
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    Wow. A good 73 pages of interesting facts. Interesting that people have decided to call it the "Big Bang". Although that title does describe the events that took place, the representation which is stated in text books and other segments of public schools is absolutely 100% false. I have read many scientist's theories thoroughly and it's quite humorous how they attempted to describe something they did not see. Adaptation does exist and is still happening to this day, however to the extent they imply is impossible. Unless somehow you're talking about a different galaxy. But the intelligence which many of your brains can possibly contain is not even close to the size necessary to understand such a quantity. This is why no one has seen Him. Well, to be fair you all have, but unfortunately it is subconsciously.

    I will only answer one of all your remarks about God's existence being false.

    One of you said "The Bible clearly supports slavery." Wrong. The Bible and God support consequences. Not for those specific people, but for the entire human race. Some might say "But why harm an innocent soul for another man's good fortune?" The answer is very simple although resented. No one is innocent. You see the first two had a choice to make. You all obviously know that story so I will skip that part. In the end, the wrong choice was made and for that humanity as a whole was and will be punished. Not for that time period, not for that day, not that for millennium. Until the end of days. (2127 April 21st.)

    I know what you want to say "That's not fair to those whose free will was not a part of the first sin." I understand this. However, although the act seems to be unnecessary and unfair and although you nor nobody that you've known had nothing to do with the first sin, the deed has been done and the consequences will proceed as promised. The only thing that can be done to change and furthermore remove the consequences from the human race is to listen. Every single person must listen to His teachings and He will grant all with mercy and bliss. If you're thinking right now, "Well that's never going to happen." that is exactly why the consequences need to continue.

    This by no means implies you are doomed for eternity; this is where faith takes you away from the rest. The End of Days will not be seen by any of your eyes who are alive today, but when you die, yes you reading this, you will go to the destination which has been determined for you. The only thing you may do to alter your path for eternity is to listen as stated above. If you listen to His teachings and believe in Him without a doubt, you will be rewarded. As for what you will receive, I'm sure many of you have heard, Heaven. Heaven is, to put as simply as possible, anything that you want it to be. Rather than thinking of it as a place, think of it as a state of mind. Some of you might be able to control your dreams to make the occurring circumstances change to your benefit. Think of being able to do this with 100% efficiency forever. That is Heaven.

    Hell is the exact opposite. Have you ever had a nightmare where something bad is happening and there is nothing you can do to stop it? Imagine that happening every day of your life multiplied by 100 years. Sound bad? Now imagine mixing in your worst fears and having to deal with that for eternity.

    Now that I've explained, please consider all of the above. I could answer every single person's questions in this thread and world, but would only be rewarded with continuous questions about not only other subjects, but my answers themselves. You may think you want answers, but in reality, you don't.

    Thank you for listening. I hope this has helped you all.
    #730 Doog Nit, Apr 1, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2009
  11. Star iz Legiit

    Star iz Legiit Ancient
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    I think God is real, I believe he he evolution and creation necasue i think God vreated everything and then ade it have evolution and evolve so maybe there both right
  12. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    Believing in a higher "jealous" power that punishes people for sins when he's the one who ****ed up by making them imperfect? not for me. Is the higher power known as god real? probably not. It's all part of a story filled with so many loopholes that it's extremely probable imperfect humans made it up.

    And for the people who stay in the middle and say creationism and evolution are BOTH real, according to religious beliefs, that's not enough faith. Also, if any god believer were born Muslim, they'd be taking the word of their parents and those around them and believing in something completely different. Hell, i'll convince my kids that there is buried treasure in the back yard and they can dig every sunday. They'll have faith that the treasure is there, no proof needed.

    Also, somebody said atheists are too ignorant to listen to what religious people have to say. That's absurd, i try to learn as much as possible and im open to whatever anybody has to say.
    #732 CHUCK, Apr 1, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2009
  13. Doog Nit

    Doog Nit Ancient
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    I will pray for you Chuck. Good luck.
    #733 Doog Nit, Apr 1, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2009

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    Prove God is real plz.
  15. Doog Nit

    Doog Nit Ancient
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    There is too much I would have to disprove in order to prove the truth. The post would go on for pages and you would have to actually read every single word. The above "wall of text" as one would say is enough.

    This is something that you and anyone else who wants to believe is just going to have to think about with an open mind and open soul. If the end result of your thinking is that He does not exist, then I wish for you the best of luck. If you do believe, just know you will be rewarded. Not with materialistic values such as money, but Heaven (Eternal Happiness).

    Trust me, it's worth it.

    Before you think about it, consider this: What are you going to lose if you have a bit of faith in God? Is someone going to kill you because you believe in something? Even if that were to be true, that would mean eternal bliss is right around the corner. It is truly a "win, win situation."
    #735 Doog Nit, Apr 1, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2009

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    Pascal's wager doesn't work.
  17. Doog Nit

    Doog Nit Ancient
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    And this is why I can not prove His existence. You all keep trying to come back with different arguments rather than just listening. Like I said, how will you be hurt if you have a bit of faith in Him? Will your brain melt out if something you believe in is false? No. So even if He doesn't exist, you lose nothing.

    If you wish to continue with your arguing, by all means continue, but remember what I've said and think about it.

    Or think of it completely turned around. What if you don't believe? No harm done right? Wrong. If He truly does exist and Heaven and Hell are imminent after one's death, that means your chances of going to Hell are now much greater than if you simply had faith. If you do believe and when you die He turns out to be a lie, then you die and rot in the ground. If you don't believe and His existence is false, then you still rot in the ground. So please answer my question when I ask "Why not have faith?"

    Or completely ignore this attempt of salvation. It's your life at the moment so if you are content with knowing your death won't be the last thing to worry about, or choose to fake ignorance, then go right on ahead.
  18. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    There is some truth to that. But what you're proposing is that atheists have faith which they won't have, it'd be false faith which'd be a lie. Wouldn't God punish that?

    I asked this question else where but it didn't get answered. Does God punish ignorance?
  19. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    I'm not going to have faith in something as a safety net. It is an interesting argument, and i could see why somebody would believe for being afraid, but i'm still not falling for it or arguing it. It'll just end up in a "no, what if you're wrong?" battle.

    I'll spend my life appreciating things and people i know exist.
  20. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    You can't prove his existence because we point out the flaws in your proofs? Somehow it is our fault that your deity is invisible? That is just absurd my friend, if you have something, then you can demonstrate that you have it, or we are forced to assume that you don't.

    I agree, the argument that if hell is real it is better to believe than not to is on the surface a good one, but looking deeper you can see that it solves no problems. The problem with it is that belief is not a choice. I could live my life as if I believed in your god, or I believed what scientology says, or any of the many thousands of other strange beliefs out there, but I would be lying. I could go to church every single day, give everything I own, do as much as possible to live like Jesus, and preach and "testify" to all the other nonbelievers I meet, but if I still thought I was doing it in order to play the odds that something I don't believe might be true, then I would be lying. Is your god ignorant enough to be convinced by a lie? If the stories about him are true, then he is not, and I could no sooner choose to truly believe that your god exists than you could just snap your fingers and choose to believe that Zeus exists.

    Plus theres that small little problem where the wager supports every single belief system, both the ones that have been invented and those yet to be imagined, as long as they have a hell for nonbelievers. A fair god would not put someone in heaven for picking one at random and getting it wrong, but instead a fair god would reward actions such as honesty, even if that honesty was honestly not believing that something he has never seen is true just because other people have said so.
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