As you may or may not know, Showest is going on in Las Vegas. What is Showest? It's basically a convention for the movie industry. Lots of movie info. is released by the studios to the press. Apparently Warner Bros. is getting ready to make some big announcements. According to, the title of the next movie will be "Battle For Gotham." I'm not sure what to make of that. Who's doing the battling? We know Batman has pretty much lost all support after "The Dark Knight." Has he gone into hiding? Are the gangs and villains running amok? The film is set for a 2011 release date. We'll see if that really happens. Hopefully we won't get a ton of false rumors again like we did a few months ago. I haven't seen any official confirmation on the title. It's possible it could change. What do you think of the title? What does it say to you. Source page
I'm hoping for Bane. In the Knightfall series his goal is to seize Gotham(as well as breaking the Batman). So it's plausible. Though at the same time it could just as easily be the riddler or someone else. Either way, my hopes are up.
If they follow fans, it will be Johnny Depp as the Riddler, he really is perfect for the role, and I know he would do an awesome job of it. Philip Seymour Hoffman as the Penguin, is what I want. In my eyes he won't have webbed feet and live in the sewer. He will just be a rich guy that tries to take down Bruce Wayne with money. I don't want Robin, but I would like Knightwing. If Bane is used, to make Bats case worse, I would like to see Killer Croc ventriloquist? They used Mr. Zsacz in the first movie, it was very little role, but he could be used very well Black Mask?
Though personally the name "Battle for Gotham" doesn't really appeal to me. It's far too in your face. Batman Begins and The Dark Knight were subtle and they worked extremely well. I've stated my reasons for not being super excited about Depp. The Penguin I just don't like, and don't want to see. Ventriloquist, yuk. Too campy, I don't see it not being laughable. Orly? Where?
I'm not liking what the JoBlo article was telling me. CGI Heath Ledger? I don't give a **** how spectacular the technology is (supposedly), that is a ****ing terrible thing to do to his spectacular performance in TDK. Why don't you guys just dig up his corpse and skull-**** him on camera while you're at it? Jesus, Cameron; have you lost all sense of class? And I'm calling bullshit on the whole "going for an R rating" thing. There is no way in hell that Warner Brothers would ever let such a lucrative property like Batman be restricted from such a wide portion of their fanbase. "Battle for Gotham" is a stupid title. Every time Batman faces an uber-criminal like The Joker, Riddler, Bane, etc is a battle for Gotham. Bleh. However, I am liking the idea of Johnny Depp as The Riddler. His work since the POTC has impressed the **** out of me, so I'm excited to hear that it's a strong possibility. Hopefully this is all internet speculation BS and we'll get more info on Thursday. Don't go all Matrix and **** up the final installment of this trilogy, guys. Please. EDIT: Zsasz was the first court case that Rachel Dawes was prosecuting in BB. You can see all the tally marks on his neck.
It's Christoper Nolan, he would never do such a thing. @ linou Batman Begins Tim Booth as Zsasz in Batman Begins. Most likely due to the nature of his crimes, Zsasz does not appear in any of the Batman cartoons. He does, however, appear as a minor character in the 2005 film Batman Begins and is portrayed by Tim Booth, the vocalist of British band James.[5] In the movie, Assistant District Attorney Rachel Dawes states that Zsasz butchers citizens for the mob and is one of Carmine Falcone's thugs, implying that he is a hitman instead of a serial killer. He is sent to Arkham Asylum along with many assassins who work for Falcone due to the testimony of Dr. Jonathan Crane (aka the Scarecrow). Nevertheless, when he is let loose from the asylum during Ra's al Ghul's attack on Gotham, tally marks on his neck are clearly visible. Later, Zsasz, along with other inmates under the influence of the fear toxin, attempts to kill Dawes but fails as Batman saves her. Zsasz is revealed to have remained at large in one of the promotional websites for The Dark Knight. [6] The tie-in book featuring the development art, and the visual guide to the film, also feature a shot of Booth in costume, referring to Zsasz as a serial killer. In the credits and script for the film, as well as all the books and the graphic novelisation, his name is spelled "Zsaz". Only the novelisation of Batman Begins, refers to him as "Victor Zsasz". I don't get what's so bad about 'Battle for Gotham', I kind of like it, and it symbolises the position Batman is in very well
Bane would be the best shot they have at continuing the grittier 'real' feel of it. Perhaps with some Harlequin time... No sidekick, that would ruin the franchise.
It would be awesome if they did something similar to the Batman: Venom storyline where Bruce injects himself with the drug to keep up with all the villains and torture he puts his body through. Great story that could really be dramatized well by Nolan. But that's the thing, Batman is always in that position. Look at all the villains in your sig; every time he faces one of those people it's almost always a "battle for Gotham". The title implies that there will be a resolution at the end of the battle, and the truth is that there won't be one. You can't to have an ongoing cash cow character like Batman. That's why I think it's dumb.
I suppose I'll just have to watch Batman Begins again now. Personally, I'm indifferent about the CGI Joker when necessary and as long James Cameron is a god at what he does. I see either Riddler or Bane, I don't see them using a villian that's relatively unknown to the general populace. And yeah, I agree with you there Squid. I don't see WB producing an R-rated Batman movie when a large portion of their fans are underage. I could see the general story of Knightfall adapted into a film, and a bloody good one at that.
Goddamn it, I just realized what today is... They do a story like that every ****ing year, and I usually don't fall for it. grrr...
hero v hero...? Superman v Batman Cagematch!!!!! rofl... srsly i would say bane would be the best choice
What about Scarecrow? I've always thought he was one of the scariest villains, I don't know maybe it's just me. Just the fact that he made the story a little scary with his hallucinations instead of straight fighting and action. After thinking about it though, they probably won't use him just because he isn't a very well-known character and most will think it's a new villain.