I wont give you any bogus 5/5 ****. I really did like your map though. It was multileveled and played fairly well. Spawns could use some tweaking but there was nothing major for me to complain about. I do wish you could have done some things much cleaner and I hope you revise them if you plan on making a V2 but otherwise, a fun map nonetheless and one of the best Floating avalanche maps to date. I now offer you? would you like me to make a map video of this for you? If so post here: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-forge-discussion/61012-need-map-video.html Im not advertising so back off mods
@JustMad: Good stuff, i'm glad you liked it. @Phreakie: Awesome, a flythrough vid would be pretty sick. I'm currently working on the spawns, and a v2 with better spawns will be coming soon. @Crusader: Wow man, thanks for the praise. Thanks for the feedback.
Alright this is kinda just a reply to your post on my thread. I have already gotten a game on it and recorded it. Im editing right now.
Awesome dude, thanks a ton. I had work like every day this week, and couldn't get any games in, but i figured i'd have time to this weekend. You're too fast for me though!
does any of it connect to the actual avalanche map or no? if it doesn' that is some really impressive forging. if the gameplay's all good i could see this getting featured.
Nope, none of the map is touching the actual floor of avalanche, but rather, floated above the abyss. But yea, thanks a ton for the praise. if you end up trying it out, let me know how it turned out EDIT Big thanks to Phreakie for making a map introduction video for Alpine. The link is located at the bottom of this post, along with the OP and will be fully embedded once i figure out how. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2W5QUxwZfII
This is the best 1v1 map I have ever played on. It's great for warm-ups, has nice gameplay, and is a blast to play on. It's kind of small, but it's the perfect size for a 1v1. There's not many places to hide or camp, so the gameplay is pretty smooth. The lifts are a nice feature, but they often get overused. I like how you made each layer a different color, but I almost think it would have been better with just one color of box. Overall, this map is fantastic. Download this map NOW!
Wow, that's really cool. I like how the entire thing is layed out. My only concern is that the respawn rates on the Active Camo, etc. are too short. Maybe fix that. 4/5!
Thanks a lot for the concern dude. I actually was able to test out a longer respawn time on both power items, and although it worked out jsut fine, i felt that it didn't work with what i had in mind for the map. By having the two power items on short respawn times, it encourages the competitiors to traverse the map constantly,as they attempt to control these items. Since the items are on the first and fourth level, they are required to move about the entire map to gain access to these items, and having them on quicker respawn increases the rate of flow around the map. Feel free to try it out both ways though, as i would love to hear feedback on gameplay either way. Thanks for the feedback. EDIT: @Encounter: Thanks for the praise, i appreciate the comment. I'm glad that i was able to give you a good 1v1 map
This map deserves a lot more recognition here. I'm really happy that Alpine was chosen for the unofficial 1v1 tournament over at the MLGpro forums. Hopefully that will get the word out to more people, because this is an awesome map. Great job, nickaaaa
Yea dude, thanks a lot. I hope you're thinking about signing up (if you havent already ) its gonna be loads of fun.