...And completely clone stamp all the smoke on the right side of the sig, and do extensive layer blending and effect, color the entire background, blur and slightly desaturate the entire background, color and touch up each piece of red paper that was effected from the smoke I made, add lighting effects, add touch ups and layer effects. Just because I don't destroy the stock's background and add a C4D doesn't mean I don't do anything. I try to preserve the motion and theme of the stock, not kill it.
Well, the point of doing so many things to a signature is to make it that much better. If you did a million effects and made it only as good as someone who used one effect, nobody cares. It's not how much work you put into it, but what is developed from that work. Basically, even though you may have done alot of work, it doesn't show.
I'm okay with that, because that's my style and I'm not changing it just so people will say good things about my signatures. If you want to you multiple C4D effects and make you sigs just like everyone else, be my guest.
It's pretty cool. I think it might look a bit better if you make the left where the people are brighter. Cuz the flame is brighter
Reported for spam, what have you done lately? Thanks you some actually usable feedback. I commend you.