Sandbox The Peanut

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by n9netim3, Mar 31, 2009.

  1. n9netim3

    n9netim3 Ancient
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    Ants ride around on mongooses on a platform that is shaped like a peanut. The zombie must shoot the ants off the platform with a stationed wraith.

    Very simple and very fun.

    An overview of the map with the zombie wraith in the backtop

    Zombie hits the mongooses to nock them off.

    An up close view of the wriath, and it has been tested so it can't get out

    Someone was unfortunet enough to get hit, lol

    The zombie spawns in a tunel to alow the ants time to mount their gooses

    After 60 seconds, 2 kill balls spawns to help end the game.

    An action picture.

    The game has 10 rounds and the zombie is randomised. Each kill as a zombie is 1 point and each last man standing metal is 1 point.each round is 160 seconds.

    (NOTE: One flaw is that the humans can not die if they get off the goose.) Easy fix though, it's called a boot button :)

    The map:
    Halo 3 File Details

    The gametype:
    Halo 3 File Details
  2. uF HaVoK

    uF HaVoK Ancient
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    This looks like alot of fun! Shouldn't there be more mongooses becuase having alot of people would be amazing. Maybe a V2 with 2 wraiths and more obstacles for the Ants like holes and stuff. But this is pretty creative

  3. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Very nice creativity. I havn't tested this yet, and Im not to sure you have either. I really do not think that one wrath will be able to take out all of the mongooses. I think that if i played I could be on that platform untill the time runs out guarunteed. But other than that map, wipe out the negativity, this is a well done map. I like the originality and the shape of the platform. Nice job

    double post
    #3 EGP, Mar 31, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2009
  4. Kevelocity

    Kevelocity Ancient
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    A definite crowd pleaser. I agree with him^^^ you should make more obstacles to make it harder for the ants, maybe a longer round so different obstacles could spawn. 4/5!
    #4 Kevelocity, Mar 31, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2009
  5. n9netim3

    n9netim3 Ancient
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    it does support 6 mongooses. the problem is i only have so many friends with the maps so testing wasn't as easy as other maps i've made =/

    seriously it seems to easy to dodge but the zombie guy can easily lead the shot and it is kinda hard to stay on.
    #5 n9netim3, Mar 31, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 3, 2009
  6. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
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    *sigh* Don't rate your own maps. You'll look like a noob. Anyway, the map looks alright. It seems fun, but the players could just hop off the mongooses. I think an honour rule may be needed. But apart from that, it looks good. Nice job. 8/10.
  7. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Just a random question that I have realized through the visual photography you have left for us to visualize. Would the kill ball block the wraiths plasma mortar thus meaning that someone could simply choose to lurk behind the ball and be invincible from the wrath of the wraith.

    I, sadly have not acquired the mythic map pack and can not use it. But you definitely put in pull factors with nothing but pictures as the game not only is unique (as far as I have seen) but is on the new map.

    Pull Factors:
    1: Nothing looks more enjoyable then blasting enemies off a small platform to their deaths.

    2. It is visually pleasing to the human eye. From the pictures you have given there seems to be no flaws in the map, and it has a nice "eight" shape to it.

    3. If you can shoot through the Kill ball or around it then the addition looks very useful in both: removing the stealthiest of players and those that are guile.

    Push Factors:
    1. The game type does not differ or allow alternate ways of playing the map.

    2. The humans are not forced to leave the spawn tunnel.

    3. Booting can be done, but it is best if this option is eliminated to allow pure entertainment.

    4. If kill balls do block of wraith shots the players have the possibility of hiding behind them.

    Side Notes

    Although it seems that the negatives outweigh the positives in quantities, they do not outweigh the positives in quality. The map is truly beautiful and if playing with friends then you can eliminate three of the negatives(2, 3, and 4).

    The first negative is rather hard to change and it is based on repetition that will most likely never change.

    Keep Forging and remember... ZALGO COMES!


    P.S - I rarely give these reviews out. You are lucky.

    EDIT: I rate this map a 4.5/5 in opinion, but I give it a 5/5 in the star ratings.
    #7 RadiantRain, Mar 31, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2009
  8. thumtac

    thumtac Ancient
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    Although this looks very fun it also looks quite un-original compared to this map:
    The Box (The third one down)

    The concept is extremely similar and seems less efficient so I can only give you a 2/5. The original map had two wraiths to make it harder for humans to survive. In your map it seems like the games would be trailing on because there is only one wraith and you are very far from the actual map. Research your ideas before you do them or tribute the original map maker in your post.

    Oh and about your easy fix, there is another easy fix. Just make the zombie able to kill the humans and make the humans very slow so that they cannot escape off of their mongooses. Have the humans spawn right next to their mongooses. The less honor rules the better.

    Another flaw is the kill balls spawning. Humans can just hide behind a kill ball away from the wraiths site and be unable to be seen.

    You had an un-original idea that was poorly executed. I want to see a V2 that has the following changes:
    -Added extra wraiths closer to the peanut (Initial Zombie Count Set to 2)
    -Humans spawn next to mongooses (If they don't already)
    -Zombie Damage Increased to 75%
    -Human Resistance set to 100%
    -Humans have no shields
    -Throw out kill balls and put a couple of man cannons around the map that spawn at 60 seconds
    -Add Obstacles to the map, it looks kind of plain and easy to navigate, a few flat boxes here and there will make games more interesting.
    -Zombies should spawn right next to their wraith the time delay is not needed if the humans are right next to their mongooses.
    -Tribute to the maker of The Box

    If you have all this I will be more than happy to download your map.
    #8 thumtac, Mar 31, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2009
  9. Jsten419

    Jsten419 Ancient
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    This really makes me want Mythic (Nine days, woo!). It's ideas like this that separate Foundry from Sandbox.

    However, the creativity doesn't give you a free ride. Try adding obstacles and find some clever way to make players invincible only on Mongeese (I'm sure somebody can think of something.). Also, like somebody before me said, two wraiths and maybe a bigger platform with more holes would make this more awesome as well.
  10. ChaoticF34r

    ChaoticF34r Ancient
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    Very nice, great idea! I also like the killball spawn. Although, like many mentioned above, maybe try making the stadium larger and put in obstacles. But still, great idea! Keep up the good work.

    This makes me want the Mythic Map Pack soooo... bad. Great Work! Very creative.
    #10 ChaoticF34r, Mar 31, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2009
  11. xNx21x

    xNx21x Ancient
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    this looks like a pretty good map to play with friends but i think that you should have interlocked the peanut because when you drive with the mongooses it is a little bumpy
  12. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    The concepts are completely different, the box is not only worse but had many more flaws.

    The Box required you to kill the players with a hammer, by actually killing them with the hammer. The box had an objective which was easy to achieve, simply get to the other side, grab a weapon and kill the infected.

    The Peanut allows you to push the players off with the wraiths mortar shells. In the Peanut the players can only be killed by being forced off, or the kill ball. The objective is to survive in a wide area.
  13. n9netim3

    n9netim3 Ancient
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    wow i'm getting masecred.

    1) i didn't rate my own map
    2) you can shoot through the kill balls and it isn't that hard to figure out they are hiding.
    3) humans spawn on the flatform and the zombie spawns in a tunel.
  14. AssassinChao

    AssassinChao Ancient
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    wow this game looks like lots of fun :) maybe to prevent the zombie from camping in the spawn area u could use man cannons that push the zombie into a killball and that would spawn after 30 seconds or so?

    just a suggestion... but definately a great map... ill come back to this later when all my other friends get the map pack :D
  15. noodler2

    noodler2 Ancient
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    I love the idea of this map... simple gameplay and lots of fun. But, your gameplay settings need to be reworked as well as the map itself.
    You include frivolous settings such as the Zombie having an enhanced radar and having a forced color(white). Another is that the default spawning weapon does no damage(great for gameplay) but has infinite ammo, why? You need to focus on the right things.

    My suggestions are to :
    1. Reposition the wraith higher up with more of a downward angle to give the zombie a better view and increased ease of shooting anywhere on the peanut.
    2. Move the kill balls to the very edge of the map(and possibly add more). This would squeeze the remaining mongeese into the middle and make the zombie more likely to kill them (It would be much more fun to get blasted off the map by a wraith shot then killed by a kill ball). Constrict the humans to increase the tension.
    3. Delete all the fusion coils on the edge of the map. They are too numerous. Leave the three in the middle where riders are more likely to be. This may not even be necessary if you follow #2.
    4. Flex your own muscle and tweak speed and shield/health settings to make humans WANT to be on a mongoose.
    5. Delete the tunnel on the main floor. Get the action started immediately!

    I'd consider what you have to be a rough draft. It needs work, but I'm downloading it as soon as you fix the problems.

    Oh, and fix the name of the map and the game. Sounds childish
  16. noodler2

    noodler2 Ancient
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    I'm fairly new to forge hub (especially posting), but way too many people post without actually playing the map.
    You have a good idea, just finish the revisions and the map will be golden.
  17. iRaynne

    iRaynne Ancient
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    Plays great; nice aesthetics as well, and this can literally result in hours of fun.

    My only concern is how the wraith is positioned right smack in the middle- annoying little players tend to just sit under there out of firing range. I'd recommend moving the wraith to one of the sides to reduce this effect.

    Great work!
  18. thumtac

    thumtac Ancient
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    I said the third mini game down. Not the first. lrn2listen
  19. n9netim3

    n9netim3 Ancient
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    i don't wanna sound contradictive inspite of saving my own map, but the concepts are completely different.

    That map requires you to kill ghosts, KILL!!!
    My map requires 1 wraith to nock mongooses off a platform.

    Agreed they are similiar, but to down rate my map on a mere similairity is kinda uncalled for =/
  20. thumtac

    thumtac Ancient
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    Killing is the same thing as knocking off. In both games you are trying to hit the person in the mongoose/ghost whether it is to kill them on impact or to kill them by knocking them off and making them fall to their death.

    The goal for the zombies to eliminate the humans from the game and it isn't a mere similarity it is the same exact concept. And the un-originality isn't the only think that makes me dislike this map. It has a lot of flaws such as the ones I listed.

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