MLG Vanquish is a new map made by iI BLITZ and EvT xPR0 5H0TZx. It is a symmetrical map. The map was inspired by Amplified and Onslaught and is compatible with MLG Team Slayer, MLG Oddball and MLG Capture the Flag. The map consists of 2 bases, Blue base and Red base, 2 side towers, A and B tower, and a central X shaped section. It plays best with 4+ players on each team. Weapons 2x Snipers 1x Mauler 2x Carbines 8x Plasma Grenades Callouts Blue Base Red Base Top A Middle A Bottom A Top B Middle B Bottom B Front Blue Front Red Top Middle Bottom Middle Blue base, the red base is exactly the same but the camo is changed into overshield Camo and Overshield are not accesible Back of the bases, The tunnel under and infront of the base is where you return the flag too. Side of the bases. In the background the ramps to the side towers. The Side Towers. Snipers Spawn on the top level. Carbine on the second level and Plasma Grenades in the bottom level. The Middle Cross. Good for running flags and getting cover. Mauler spawns inside the X. If you would like to play Customs or Matchmaking or would like to play this map with me add me GT: iI BLITZ, i will also test your maps. Please Download and Leave Feedback. Edits from V1 More of the map is merged together, this means there is less 'hopping' during gameplay. More cover up to the top of the side towers. The Bridges on the middle X have been flipped and merged to make it look neater. All the spawns have been sorted out. Halo 3 File Details
I can see almost everything is from Onslaught and Amplified like you stated in the post. So this is basically combining the two? Your interlocking is very neat and the geomerging with the houses is good too. Try to creat alittle more originality though, because this just doesn't feel right since it is soo much like them both. Good MLG map though, 4/5
some of the things are not very original and there still doesn't look like alot of cover. there is some clean interlocking though. kudos to that 7.5/10
Your map looks pretty swell, I like the leveled stairs, reminds me of Construct a little. I won't rate unless I decide to play it, but looks like you need more cover and a bit more in general.
ok i would say that this is a pretty good map, but I dont see any geomerging and every MLG map always has geomerging. Also there were other parts that you could have interlocked more, like in the middle of the map where the 2 bridges are. You could have interlocked the bridges in the crate so that there wouldnt be a bump when you run on it.
it's not bad, i'm just getting tired of seeing foundry 2 base maps that bear great resemblance to ONS and AMP. i do like the red and blue bases though. and the forging isnt to bad either, some things could have been merged or interlocked ect (better than me though...) oh and i like the center, very orignal. 3/5
Not all maps need geomerging. And from what I can see, there is geomerging. (2nd from last picture) OT: I think this map's alright. The merging isn't that bad. Although, you should add some more cover around the center piece. Other than that, well done. I'll download when I actually have the time to play Halo 3.
A typical foundry MLG map, but some cool concepts and from the looks of it some decent merges and interlocks 3.5/5
You don't need to post a new thread for each version you make. Doesn't look like you changed anything from the previous version