Debate Should Children Be Playing Halo 3?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Tex, Jun 26, 2008.

  1. Saint E1m0

    Saint E1m0 Ancient
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    Really it's parents fault when it comes to video games, I mean they should not even play online. It may be fun like once if you let your little sister play online so that all the other players are laughing, but to really let her (or any other child) play isn't needed.

    I'm 15, I started to play video games when I was like...7 maybe? The first game I played was Counter Strike, my uncle let me play it. I usually just played offline but I learned how to play online later on. I really don't care if children play video games offline, but when it comes to online I'm just annoyed. Anyone under their Teens shouldn't play, even some Teens, I know people older than me that act like someone struck them in the head with a golf club.

    When it comes to Halo I really don't think it should be rated M. Maybe it's just the whole guns and cussing thing but I don't really find any problems with it. I don't even find it that gorey, the most gore there is is the blood splatters and that's not even fascinating. It's more colourful then anything, sure thats good because all the video games today are either gunmetal grey or dirt brown, but damnit, it's like someone threw the brightest shade of colours they could find onto a shiny marble statue, even the flood are colourful!
  2. Nick Novikov

    Nick Novikov Ancient
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    Just the kids will high-pitched voices shouldnt play Halo 3. Unless they don't have mics.
  3. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    well, i usually dont care aslong as they dont scream or insult people for no good reason. i sometimes have to try playing matchmaking with my 3 year old brother, who cries when he is killed. i try geting people not to kill him, but noone listens. anyway, if it werent for him, i wouldnt get to play nearly as much. but he also doesnt use a mic, so im the only one suffering his crying. 1 time this douchebag set out just to kill my little brother, and after the match, i told him congratulations, he just made a 3 year old boy cry. then i put my mic up to my brothers mouth so mr.douchebag could listen to what he did to my brother. anyway, it doesnt matter to me as long as they dont lose the game for my team. actually, about half the games i had my brother in i won. probably because the enmy was wasting ammo on him. it was funy, cuz this one guy wasted all his rockets on a 3 year old who couldnt kill him. maybe this could be a new strategy.......

  4. SM3JAY

    SM3JAY Ancient
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    I think if their parents let them, sure. I mean, yah they are annoying as hell but some of them are mature enough to handle a game like halo. And besides if they start playing at a young age maybe they won't all grow up to be noobs.
  5. jumpathon

    jumpathon Ancient
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    Personally my opinion on the matter is that children under the age of 13 or any person that has a irresponsible behavior be put on their own little servers on xbl! When im playing halo 3 and a 12,11,10, and etc year old comes in the party, i have to strain myself not to find a way to bad talk to the point where they cry! Im not shore what it is but I absolutely hate having my free time from society ruined because of annoying little kids who yell and scream and make me hate playing halo 3! Believe me im pretty tolerant in the world around us with little kids considering my mother is a preschool teacher! Im in a clan where the clan isn't going to put a age limit merely because he doesn't want sound anything like KSI. So here i am with my best friend on XBL grinding my teath trying not to say " f*ck you all the little f*cking f*ggots go back to f*cking preschool. I wish the controlers burnt kids hands off if they were too young! What has the world come to!
    #165 jumpathon, Mar 9, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2009
  6. Azrius

    Azrius Ancient
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    Really, it's my personal opinion that it all falls to the perogative of the parents. If they use Halo 3 and related violent games as some sort of babysitter, they should both be neutered- I was playing games like this at age thirteen or fourteen, and guess what? I consider myself fairly well-adjusted. But how can this be? Is it possible that I was just mature for my age? (Well, I somewhat was, as well, but that's not the primary reason). Do you want to know why I was able to play games at such a young age?

    Because my parents actually cared about me. They actually bothered to RAISE me rather than just popping me out and plopping me in front of a television screen. I understood that all of this violence was nothing but a digital medium. That, and my parents understood the ratings system and refused to buy M-rated games for me until they were sure I was mature enough to handle them.

    Unfortunately, as far as I can tell most parents aren't that adept. I'm going to tell you all a little story (And this is personal experience.). I used to work at Wal-Mart, you see. In the electronics department. Every day I was subjected to that place, I died a little inside.

    Anyway, some guy comes in (the moment I saw him, I disliked him) with two ten year olds. He wants to buy his brats Grand Theft Auto IV. I explain to him that it's an M-rated game (one of the worst of the batch, too), and it's EXTREMELY unsuitable for kids their age. Do you know what he said? Do you know how he justified buying these two children one of the most violent games around? "It's okay, they're not gamers, they're HOCKEY PLAYERS." As if people who played video games were an entirely seperate species. I can just say he's lucky I had that blasted blue vest on, or I would have torn him several new holes. I would have enraged him to the point of wanting to strike me, and relished every second of it. Believe me, I wanted to tell him off-dearly. But "the customer is always right."

    He stepped away for a moment, for some reason, and the two kids started talking down to me, scorn in their voices, that I'd DARE deprive them of GTA. "So are you a pretty hardcore gamer?" one of them asked, spitting the word "Gamer" out like it was some sort of poison that left a bad taste in his mouth. The other one just snickered. The aura they exuded was one of absolute arrogance, the thought that they were, are, and always will be better than I. As the man left, the two kids in tow, I wondered how many men were just like their father.

    Ultimately, if a child is still in their developmental years, keep them the hell away from violent media. I would argue that children under the age of twelve should not be allowed to have access to violent media such as Halo 3. After that, the parents need to make educated choices as to what's best for their children.
  7. soldier55100

    soldier55100 Ancient
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    Those "traits" may have been picked up from the parents as well.
  8. abandoned heretic

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    i think its more they shouldnt be playing online becasue theres many bad influences theyll be ifluenced by making them annoying and not act right but just letting em play campaign and multiplayer with frends is fine because every 9 yr old kid wants to asct like he has somekind of weapon and play with it its naturall playing a video game is just a different way of doing it for them but games like gta the shouldnt play
  9. Garo

    Garo Ancient
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    Rated M for mature. I don't think kids should play Halo but oh well what can we do.
  10. Captain Forge

    Captain Forge Ancient
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    It was going to rated teen untill bungie showed esrb the flood in Halo: CE.
  11. d4rkdemon

    d4rkdemon Ancient
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    well i am 12 and i dont scream down my mic i just like to play because its fun but sometimes i do get provoked by older people swearing at me and sending me pics of garbage after i kicked their ass in a game so i ****in swear back

    its not just some little kids who shouldn't play halo its some older people too
  12. oDannyKellyo

    oDannyKellyo Ancient
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    I admit im a kid but I only scream for fun with my friends or to annoy people and im not American (No Offense Americans) so my voice is different.
  13. blackandblutoo

    blackandblutoo Ancient
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    With kids under 10 all it is is this---- "AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH HE DIDNT KILL ME> or STOP THATS CHEATING!!!!!! are some examples of little kids under 10 years of age. Some are mature enough but most have thier mics in their mouth(im not even joking this 5 year old was chewing on his mic on matchmaking) and scream when something happens. If you are mature then yes but the majority are not. I swear, the day kids dont scream into their mics I will be fine with kids playing halo or any other online game for that matter. But until then a scream equals the boot.
  14. blackandblutoo

    blackandblutoo Ancient
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    YES god damnit that pisses me off. Im not a kid(im 14) but that does piss me off when an adult(not all just the ones who think its cool to make fun of kids) thinks he can boss around some kid or harrass them. I will stick up for the kid. Some people just need to realize some people are better at halo than they are, and some might be kids. But I do go back to the screaming in the mic thing. That pisses me off if there is no good reason.
    #174 blackandblutoo, Mar 29, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2009
  15. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
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    I think that anyone over 5 can handle halo. I wouldn't let anyone under 13-14 play something like gta/saints row/res. evil. As long as they can't have sex in the game or brutally kill a zombie with lotsa blood/gore. I'm fine with it.

    BASED GOD Ancient

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  17. GoodWhaleSushi

    GoodWhaleSushi Ancient
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    A litle anecdote about child gamers...
    I have a seven year old brother who is addicted to the ps3. The prick chucks a spaz every time he dies and instantly denies that anything happened. If I try to help, I get a frickin' ps3 remote thrown in my face. That, and he insists he's better than me even after I finish the level he's stuck on on the hardest difficulty without dying. Then, after I've been playing for about fifteen minutes he starts whining and screaming "He's been on for HOURS!" and, since my parents hate me, they gladly let him play. So, after he's been on for six whole hours, I'm too frickin' scared to ask my parents to let me on because they're always screaming at me about how "addicted to gaming" I am.
    Moral of the story: If you have a kid brother, drown him now.

    The saddest part...
    This kid's been playing video games since he was five.
    He wasn't even old enough for school then.
    Holy shite.
    #177 GoodWhaleSushi, Mar 30, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2009
  18. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    Seriously? Would you like an 8 year old exposed to pornography?
    I don't even know how that's a question.

    About the topic, though. I think it has more to do with maturity. I've met some really mature, cool kids on Xbox Live. Sure they're growing but if they can handle themselves and act well around others I'm all for it and don't mind playing with them.

    A big problem I see is that when an adult comes across a kid with a high pitched voice, he will tell them to shut the **** up, which honestly, we shouldn't be telling to children. They're going to start using that around their friends, parents, and school teachers. It'll spread. Alot. And its up to us older people to also watch our language among children.
    #178 aMoeba, Mar 31, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2009
  19. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    They should.......

    Just not on my team.
  20. Azrius

    Azrius Ancient
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    I've probably already said this, but's all about the maturity. I've seen people my age and older who I think have no place playing Halo 3- they are vulgar, juvenile, hateful, and in general just terrible sports.

    While I think there's some boundary(anyone under the age of thirteen should not be playing H3), it's really all about one's mental state. I've played against children on XBL who display more maturity than some people my age.

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