This thread was basically just to prove a point. Those who have had GIMP in the past, but currently own photoshop, are you glad you do?
I definitely am. Even though I'm nothing special with GFX, and the fact that Photoshop is more complicated, I love every step of the way. I wouldn't say its worth 900$, but hey, if its your thing, go for it.
photoshop. it's a much better program, but i'm not getting ready to ***** and moan about not having it.
I have never used photoshop, and don't plan on doing so until i begin to take graphic design seriously. I love gimp. It is free, easy to use, and easy to find resources for. To stay on topic with the thread, i hope to get Photoshop when i do begin to take graphic design more seriously, but until then, i will stick with meh gimp.
did i say anything about you in this instance? again, with the defensive. i really can't believe you made a thread about this. you call me immature
One, yes, this is directly off of our argument. You wouldn't have said this if the argument hadn't come up. Second, I thought it would be a good idea to get the opinions of people since there has been several debates on which is better. Don't assume this was all just because of your immature accusations.
oh nice. our argument has more developed now into some strange defensive kid yelling at me over his videogame forum. and i didn't say this stemmed off the argument. i said since i can't quite afford to spend money on photoshop at the moment, i won't complain.
Yes, and that's a reference to OUR current argument. However, he's bitching about my "bitching." Doesn't matter if he's not bitching about photoshop. He's insulting and bitching about me.
Re-read mine. And hopefully, hopefully, you will understand mine. I guess I shouldn't hope for anything from you though.
It seems you haven't. What a shame. And telling someone to go outside more over the internet doesn't exactly come across as in insult either.
Word of advice before I go to bed, take constructive criticism and don't think your better then everyone.
Oh my lord. Are we going to bring up two more arguments that have died in the past, and use them as a desparate attempt to insult me? The have nothing to do with this argument. Well I have no need to insult you anymore. You took the fun out of it. I guess I'll let your statement speak for itself.
I actually have just recently joined this site so I have never seen these previous arguments. So please, think before you speak.