Debate Out-of-Map Hiding: Cheap or not? Are HLG's honourable players?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Aranore, Nov 9, 2008.


Simple one: is out-of-map a cheap tactic? (ignore other if statements. K.I.S.S)

  1. Yes. It is cheap

    43 vote(s)
  2. No. It is not cheap

    25 vote(s)
  1. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    I think it's cheap, but I know where all of the hiding spots are, so I get cheap kills with the power weapon when I find them.
    Take these two players on Constuct who me and my friend played. They were quite good and they were beating us 11-5 when they mysteriously vanished. Then I got a message from one of them saying "we win 11-5". I replied saying "not if I can help it", and when I found them, I sent him a message saying "I c u *****". He must have been reading the message when I killed him. We ended up winning 35-29. They started playing properly in the last 30 seconds and got a few honorable kills, but it was all in vain.

    So yeah, I think it's cheap to hide. Stand and fight, not hide and wait.
  2. domomd367

    domomd367 Ancient
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    You find fighting fun, we find Hiding fun. Like i said, skill has nothing to do with it, we do it for enjoyment, and at the minute, i enjoy HLG more so than playing normally. Of course it is cheap, no HLG player with a brain would deny that, its just people have to learnt that it has almost nothing to do with skill.

    To be honest, the onlt way these debates go into question is when people make up stuff about HLG such as 'You have no skill thats why you hide.' Which is bullshit, to be honest. On the whole, we all think its cheap pretty much, but not even close to cheating.
  3. InnerSandman13

    InnerSandman13 Ancient
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    Uhh...just to let you know there are times when the Hidden Masters use the map to hide. An example is on Sandtrap where they hid at the phantom. That technically isn't going outside the map. There's also an episode where they hide behind a Pallet on the Pit. Trust me they don't get outside the map because getting outside the map is getting past the death barrier. By the way "Halo 3 Hiding Tactics by the Hidden Masters.
    We use Hiding Tactics in matchmaking to win games and level up , and have FUN.
    Get the lead, Hide, and wait for the game to end.
    It's not cheating, but it can be considered "cheap".

    We don't need to hide to level up;
    we just do it for fun!"
    They don't do it to level up. They do it for fun.
  4. thelastsparten

    thelastsparten Ancient
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    i don't hide outside the maps unless im really bored like the entire other team quit except for the one guy and even then i don't leave the map i just go to hard to reach places like on top of the observation room in rats nest hint you need two grav lifts.
  5. supertoaster

    supertoaster Ancient
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    It's a tactic. Just like people in cod4 get angry at someone using the m16 or RPD because their beating them. I use it, not in serious games, but for fun. It's exciting. :D
  6. MousseMooseROCKS

    Senior Member

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    Yes it is cheap because if the team that hides gets ahead at least once in the game, they can hide. That does not give the other team a chance unless they find them. But it is fun, so let it be done in SOCIAL playlists.
  7. domomd367

    domomd367 Ancient
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    And RANKED playlists, where it works less often and you get punished when you get it wrong.
  8. d4rkdemon

    d4rkdemon Ancient
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    you should learn all the hiding spots so if anyone hides you find them
  9. Zanitor

    Zanitor Ancient
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    I don't like HLG things in any way, but it happens, and I find them and just kill them, it's cheap and not a good thing, they should be honorable, and loyal to the game.
  10. Darkdragon

    Darkdragon Ancient
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    Honorable? loyal? LOL
    With all the betrayel, suicide, and other people that actually ruin the game, you say people who actually have the brains to find a good hiding spot are the "unhonorable" or "unloyal"?

    This is a video game, and I ask, What was the video game's main objective? FUN.
    When i hide, Its fun, and usually the people who complain about HLG are lacking a few brain cells. (Me and my friend were once able to hide in red base on isloation for 7 minutes straight, They just kept driving around and killing themselves.) Yes, you may lose EXP and skill, But Its not like every other match is against hlg members.

    You have fun one way, so we can have ours.
  11. BAMFthesenior

    BAMFthesenior Ancient
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    Its not cheating because cheating is like a code or button combo that gives a better or lesser advantage to a game, it is cheap because it shows lack of skill and more of cowardice, they should call themselves CLG( Cowards League of Gaming ).
  12. Master Mak X

    Master Mak X Ancient
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    I really don't think it's cheating in my opinion. HLG's tatics are simple. To hide in places bungie haven't blocked off yet. In my opinion I think that bungie should take hint of HLG players so that they are able to blcok of places people can hide in. Plus HLG is funny. I love the reactions of people when me and my friend do it.
  13. aMoeba

    aMoeba Ancient
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    You know, i've been reading this whole thread, and while I disagree with what you think, i'm going to state something. Correcting someone's English and using it in debate form as some sort of "insult" or "comeback" is pathetic. I'm not going to make assumptions, but you simply don't act your age that you make us want to assume, considering most of the time when you ask someone else's age you are probably trying to use a lie to act like you're older and more mature.

    Away from that, another thought I must express is when people say "this isn't hide n seek". In concurence to this, I have to mention that hiding is a legitimate tactic. And no matter how much you argue how hard it is to patch up a block of space, and how its not an intended tactic, all I have to say is that first of all, Bungie could block up spots in maps in less than twenty minutes. Secondly, hiding is an honorable tactic in anygame, your decision to like it or not is irrelevant, and your knowledge to overcome it is obviously shown as Error 404. Now please, don't come screaming at me how I used that reference. And to when you said that crazy jumps have nothing to do with hiding, it again shows your lack of knowledge. Most spots require stark training to perfect. If its such a big deal, go on youtube, they ****ing posted all their spots for people like you not to whine.

    Oh, and i'm also impressed on how your grammar improved throughout the thread.
  14. Pedobear

    Pedobear Ancient
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    How exactly does it show lack of skill? As mentioned many times before in this thread: 1. You must first gain the lead, which does take skill. 2. It is a legit tactic. 3. Getting to the spot also takes skill.
  15. killamnjaro

    killamnjaro Ancient
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    i don't think its cheating but it can be cheap if it is someone uses it to hide while he is in the lead.
    but then again on guardian the trick to get on top of the base (for lack of a better term) with the sniper spawn, if someone decides to get up there to snipe then that's fine because there is no cover up there.
  16. blackandblutoo

    blackandblutoo Ancient
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    Its not cheating but it is cheap. If you cant play the game right dont play it at all! Also, it can be very annoying because if you just want to have fun and someone wants to stop that I think it is very cheap.
  17. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
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    hlg should be respected in my opinion. their players are legit and tactical jus bcuz they aren't as hardcore as mlg doesn't mean they have to lose. they use intelegance to win their matches
  18. iTz HLG nOob

    iTz HLG nOob Ancient
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    I LOVE HLG, And will remain HLG forever!! HLG RUles and u guys are just jelious that we can HIDE!!!

  19. P3P5I

    P3P5I Ancient
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    Hiding isn't that hard. All it requires is a small amount of time to perfect the jumps (which I do admit, requires some skill, along with gaining the lead). But I do agree that it is cheap because the only reason games exist is to entertain the player, and when that player isn't having any fun because they have to wait around for 10-15min looking for the other players, then the game is lost. And the word is spelled "jealous."

    Here's a solution, look in places you wouldn't normally look. Most of the time, HLG players hide in the high places above your head, so keep your head up.
  20. Donii

    Donii Ancient
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    umm, whats the point, get out and play the game, theyre to puss to accually play, they gotta hide

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