Well today I started working on a map that will be based of the famous day in history, D-Day. The map will be in the skybubble of Sandbox. Now you're wondering, "Why would this be floating?" It is to have the specified area I want the map to be blocked off without having to build ginormous walls. The game variant I have planned for the map will be based off of One Flag CTF. The Attackers (United States) will start at the beginning of a long platform. Some weapons, two warthogs, three mongeese, and the DEFENDER'S flag will spawn with the Attackers. There, one of the Attackers can grab the flag and proceed on to Berlin (explained later). The flag carrier will not be able to get in vehicles making for a longer more interesting game. After a certain point in the path to the city, the Attackers will not be able to go back and get more vehicles/weapons. You either die or capture the flag. Get that so far? Now the Defenders (Germans) will start in a fortified city (Berlin). They will have access to weapons but not vehicles. At the front of the city, there will be a destructible barrier to provide the Germans a little cover (This barrier can easily be knocked down by warthogs or explosive weapons). The city will basically consist of one long road that the Attackers have to traverse to get to the flag capture point, which will be placed at the end of the street. There will be some buildings and small structures along the sides of the street. The street will meander a little bit and rise in elevation so that the flag capture point is one of the highest parts of the map. So this game is sort of like a "Storm the Base" kind of thing just with a few twists involved. Now I will describe the basics of the gametype. Everyone will have three lives. They will be more immune to damage (Maybe around 150% resistance) and will have slow health recharge. The Attackers win the round by capturing the flag at the end of the road in Berlin. The Defenders can end the round by eliminating the Attackers. Teams switch sides after each round. One capture or elimination per round. I am aiming for this to be a big team game with AT LEAST 6 players per team. And I am planning to call the game "Invasion" and the map "D-Day" so that when you load the game up it says "Invasion on D-Day." Thanks for reading. Feedback on the game or map would be greatly appreciated. EDIT* I have the gametype set up. I will post the specifications tomorrow. EDIT 2* This idea is still a work in progress. Many things are likely to be altered/added/removed.
i've also beenthinking of this... I'll help if you want . It sounds like a great idea. If I can't forge it with you I will still contribute to this thread. EDIT: This is an idea I have. Instead of having to return with the flag instead place the goal right next to the flag so if they capure it it is an automatic win.
Well I hate to rain on your parade, but one has been made on Last Resort... But you can still do one on the sky bubble of sandbox if you want. Many D-Day maps have been made too, if you haven't already guessed.
Now with Sandbox out, enough resources are available to make a really detailed and larger map for it. The one's that I've seen like it are very small scale and don't really encompass what D-Day was. That's what I am trying to do.
It sounds like a great WWII game, but it really doesn't revolve around D-Day for these reasons: D-Day had nothing to do with the Allied forces assaulting Berlin directly. The Allied forces didn't come out on Omaha beach with quads for their assault. They had amphibious tanks which were generally Shermans with air bags on the outside. Here's some ideas: Use Scorpions as your sherman tanks Use transport Hornets as parachuter's: Parachute assault was a huge and dynamic asset of the outcome of D-Day If you don't want it to revolve on the information above and stick with your Berlin theory, base it around the Russian attack on the Reichstag (or the **** capital). The Reichstag was burned and bombed by Allied Russians at the conclusion of the war. Just some ideas
What would the destructible barrier be made out of? The only moveable objects on sandbox can only be moved by grav-lift or vehicle not by a player.
I also wanted to add that DDay wasn't just US History. Also, If you can, put some wraiths near the back of the sea wall that can act as mortars to fire upon the "beach". One last thing, I fail to see how you are going to change any part of sandbox into a feel of D-Day. Last Resort can accomplish the visuals for it, but Sandbox? For those of us educated people, D-Day was June 6, 1944, when the allied forces launched the largest sea to land invasion in history on the beaches of Normandy France, it has absolutely nothing to do with Berlin. Also, this event did not lead to the end of WWII, that would be the Atom Bomb.
The Atom Bomb had more to do with the conclusion with the war in the Pacific; generally Japan. The Nazis were almost completely de-powered by this time.
I'm sorry about all this confusion about events... just learned about this stuff today in school. I may change it to Nilly's point about the Russian attack. I do not want to add tanks or hornets. Tanks would be too powerful and hornets would ruin it because the pilots could just stay and fly around and shoot people from the air and I don't want that. Although I may consider tanks... definitely not hornets though. And can we please keep this on the topic of the map and game, not of the war.