I'm very sorry, but I just had to lauph! It's ok, I used to be absessed with it untill they stoped making episodes
I'm not sure which it is, but I believe it's this one: ^This one was done April 26 08^ But this one is bad too: And this is my newest: vThis one was done March 14 09v I think I've made some progress.
As a spriter, I have made countlerss sprites for sigs, but my first (Proper) sig using gimp was this: Looks pretty nice, but I've barely improved so meh.
Heres mine....this was only about a month or two ago. Heres one of my latest but probably not my best. It still shows a lot lot lot of improvement:
Here are my first four (because they were all made around the same time) in order from first to last. Spoiler
For those who wonder, this isnt my real first. My real first is worse than any in this thread so i shall not post it.
The title is "Post your first signature" so he probably thought it was the first signature you used, not just one you made. That seems like the only reasonable answer.