same here im alittle ashamed of mario but its just so damn fun and zelda zeldas the best everyone has to like zelda except for the new shitty one there maaking
I feel the same way, people nay-say and nit pick it to death without even giving it a chance in some cases because it was going back to WW2. Although, while playing, I feel like I'm betraying CoD4 and that I could be having more fun playing that. **** Zombies was the best thing to happen to Call of Duty, though. If you feel ashamed playing NZs, I don't know what to think of that...
I'm gonna have to agree with Viva Pinata as well, when I first got my xbox the only games I had were gears and viva pinata, the candy is soo much better than the blood XD
Playing Viva Pinata is not a crime ... nor is it something to be ashamed of. Yes the graphics are cutesy, but its a pretty in-depth sim-game. A real game to be ashamed of liking is Spyro the Dragon. Especially Spyro 2 - Gateway to Glimmer.
mine woudl be pokemanz and prbably star wars clone wars lightsaber duels for wii. other than that im not sure what unpopular games i like besides cod:waw. that is seriously the best game ever createe in the history of mankind!!!!
i think halo or call of duty would claim the title of biggest franchise ever. pokemon has 4 generations so far. cod has 5 and another on the way.