This is a game based on skills, the old elementary school game, gone horribly wrong, the Alpha zombie is the shark and his job is to kill all the minnows turning them into sharks (last time i checked when sharks eat minnows...they die...not turn into sharks). There are two safe places on each side of the map, if you camp at either of these places you will be eliminated by the lot of fusion coils your surrounded by. This game type is for 8-10 people and might not work with less but all in all is a very fun thing to do while your bored. Although it may not be the greatest map it will definitely satisfy your gameplay for having fun with your friends. I apologize for the lack of screenshots but i am new to forge hub community and do not understand how to insert them, so i guess you'll just have to try them map yourself! Have fun D The Docks (picture above) is the main place where minnows can stay safe for up to 30 seconds The Alpha Shark is invincible and regular sharks have no shields but can only be killed by last man standing Last man standing is partially invisible and forced color black, he also gets a 25% damage rate so he may kill all the zombies but the Alpha Once the last man dies the round is over. Camp too long and you will be fried fish. Map: The Ocean Gametype: Sharks and Minnows Have fun with my map, all credit goes to Soxrdabest1234 and TTRROOGGDDOORR Special Thanks: Bruce (asian)
Sounds kind of cheap with the fusion coils...maybe use king of the hill so the minnows want to cross but don't have to also you need screenshots and I know it isn't easy to do but they're required P.S.Trogdoor beastly
sharks I just downloaded the map and it seemed kind of random. two top places. ramps with walls in them? this map made no sense. you need pictures or a better explanation of how it works. plus why is there a random shield door in the center? You will need to work on map a lot. the one good thing is you made a nice wall closing off the other area. Earlyer today I submited my sharks and minows map here it is if you want to see it.
Thanks for the double post! On topic: I don't get the layout much, or how the game plays out. What's the point? Isn't the game supposed to just get the the other side? Can you elaborate on the gameplay?
Yes the basic gameplay is to get to the other side and not have the zombie get you, the last one standing is basically the winner
Everyone stop posting on this thread, it is not up to standards and when it is, you may keep posting on it.