He's not even a teacher I believe, he was just asking for lessons not to long ago. So if you want him to teach you you'll have to actually message him.
Actually iv'e been added to the list. I asked for some pointers, but I have the basics down really good. Iv'e been making sigs long enough to know the ins-and-outs.
Well, im young, dint know a thing on how to make them, but i think i have gimp on my other cpu, could anyone teach me some beginer stuff, im into halo sigs,
Hey, I know i'm already on the list, but i'm gunna state what i actually want to learn. I would like to learn how to use stocks from anyone with PS, on the weekend maybe, Saturday?
Since Hari is such a badass, I want him to teach me how to do some C4D sigs. If that's possible. If need be leave me a private message.
It's possible, but you need photoshop. The way C4D's are handled in GIMP aren't the same as photoshop handles them.
Since my computer is initially running again, and everything is back to normal, I'm requesting a GIMP teacher. I have no transported brushes, or text, all the original. I have the newest version, 2.6.6. Thanks to anyone who will help, and thanks to all the teachers, especially Frag Man. This is a great stepping stone, and motivation for me. Edit: I can contact the teacher via Skype. If another contact device is required, I'll look into it, and update the teacher with details.