Get started. Go for originality. I bet you couldn't do it. Originality is something you HAVEN'T seen yet, put into a signature. Such as the card in the spoiler of my signature.
Your right, i'm a terrible graphic artist with paint. I admit it. Sorry you guys. I let you down. XD And what in this thread is to be ruined?
wow.... 5/10 anime, lol jk, either way, random people in bubbles with cell phones? No flow and no effects
So, what you guys are saying is scooby doo is anime, or maybe powerpuff girls. K I understand now. All animations are also anime because it is short for animation, that makes 100% sense. Edit: oh wait /sarcasm
Hahaha nice. Now I just need to see Scooby Doo and I'll be done. Oh and I'll challenge someone: I bet Im SiC NaStY can't make a sig using a drawing by hand.