If this thread comes out of the blue, please note that many threads do. But I ask this because when I watch a montage on Youtube, I notice many people utilise, for example, X or B to pick up weapons, instead of the standard RB. Now, I played Halo 1 & 2, so playing Halo 3 first time was a bit of an adapting-moment, with the entire RB ordeal, but nevertheless, I got used to it - infact, I personally think it's handier than X. And concerning the controller-stick, I left it at Default. I believe I had something else, with the right controller stick having all the movement, and the left one all the aiming, but I got used to this and am keeping it. But what about you guys? What do you use - and if anything else than default -- why?
Ah, dang it! I used the search function, but I must've been too loose with it. Well, in this case, might as well get it locked I guess.
I doubt it'll get locked, yours is pretty straightforward and even has a little story with it. I use Bumper Jumper for the buttons and Default for the thumbsticks with 4 sensitivity.
Default layout, toggle crouch and sensitivity 6,8 or 10. (Depends on what I'm playing) Six for swat and snipers. And when I feel like going slow. eight when I'm playing swords, rockets, with shot guns, and when I'm pissed. ten for griffball
I use bumper jumper with a sensitivity between 2-4 because it really depends on the month because some months i like 2 and others 4. But for me bumper jumper helps me a lot.
Most H3 Pros play bumper jumper with 4 sensitivity and no vibration. No vibration becauase it doesn't disturb your BR 4 sensitivity so you get that extra speed and coordination over the mass 3-sensitivity users and bumper jumper because it makes it easier to beat down/jump/shoot simultaneously.
I use Default because it's what i got used to. 3 sensitivity (10 if im playing a custom game of infection or matchmaking teamsnipers due to it's easier to get kills for me)
Bumper Jumper - sensitivity 1 now =.= I used to play 4-5 but not playing often for half a year seriously kills the aim.
Bumper Jumper sensitivity 4-5 just like most people I guess... BTW, this is not just for the post count :shiver:
Standard Bumper Jumper. Yesterday I was using a 4 Sensitivity. Now im trying to use a 6. I also have toggle crouch on. It helps with the sneaking.