Dont be a douchebag just because your art wasnt CNCed. Chill the **** out. By CNCing, people are doing you a FAVOR. Treat it that way. Getting CNC isnt your god given right. People CNC what they want to.
I wasn't mad because she didn't CnC my picture. 75% of the reason I even posted was to give my opinion on her reviews, which I found rather useless. To quote the OP: It would have made more sense to do one in-depth review, rather than give them one sentence about each aspect. Why the hell would you post, then? There was literally no reason to post this and is on the verge of spam, if not full spam. Please, put some incentive into your posts.
You guys should just drop it, no use in fighting anymore. Now, I'd like to hop into one of the waiting list's open spots: Johnson Graphic Consider your rules consented to. I used photoshop. This old photoshop of mine was originally a lot larger, I compressed it and jazzed it up to make a signature. The base image is from the Halo Graphic Novel.
There you go calling people incompetent again...Either way, drop it or if you want to finish it, finish it on your page or in pm's if you must, but don't attack someone because they did 5 people at once. I had myself removed from the judge list by popular demand so please just drop it.
Unless someone else is willing, than yes, this is dead. No one gives reviews. The way I see it, if members of the community are too lazy to write an in depth rating, than this will die naturally. In other words, this is a failed experiment.