Sandbox Ancient Narrows!

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by USNSEABEE555, Mar 27, 2009.


I am making a final copy to release on April 9th, Who likes the juicy effect added?

  1. I do

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  2. Not for me

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    USNSEABEE555 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    anyone wanting to play CTF with us on this map add me and join our session in progress!
  2. TheKiNG1325

    TheKiNG1325 Ancient
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    sweet map! that curved part must have been a ***** to make. i really like your take on this, and the map looks very nice.

    an idea though for the cannons - you can make a floating man cannon in the air that is in line with the trajectory of your character when youre launched, so that it pushes you further, and hopefully into the other base

    however, if you dont want to do this i think it will still play nicely
  3. anthonyrapitis

    anthonyrapitis Ancient
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    wouldnt having man cannons that go from base to base defeat the fighting aspect of the game?

    USNSEABEE555 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I have made a map like that already, well in a sense. I named it Cloud nine v1, it is in my fileshare if you want to check it out. Or I will post it on here shortly, which would proably be more beneficial to everyone. I will add it soon, playing some team mythic atm :D
  5. anthonyrapitis

    anthonyrapitis Ancient
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    yeah. i have a map with man cannons in my fileshare too. its called judgment. its on here as well
  6. C0RRUPTl0N

    C0RRUPTl0N Ancient
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    want to see what 800 hrs looks like check my maps.

    Ok, for all you noobs out there like Shredded Dreamz, it's not just about the thread, if you down load it you can see that this map emphisizes aesthetics and competitiveness. You really don't see the fact that this is all floated at made above the grid line. Please next time down load it and look before you start a stampead of people writing the same thing as you because they just want to get a post down. This map is well done and good for it representation made in a mythic way. Nice job and keep up the creativity.
  7. Tyz51

    Tyz51 Ancient
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    hmm the only thing I dont like about this map is that the texture of the Sandbox scenery somehow doesnt fit narrows... otherwise 9/10 :)
  8. g35cpe

    g35cpe Ancient
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    This looks like a solid map from the pics. I can't wait to try it out, though.

    USNSEABEE555 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well, not sound mean or anything but it is named Ancient for a reason my friend :D Glad you enjoyed it!

    I hope it exceeds your expectations, thanks for leaving feedback. Take Care!
  10. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
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    ahh i need these maps haha. I thought of remaking a map in the sky bubble too. Won't say which one cuz someone may be stealng the idea... anyways, the map is great but i'm confused as to why the oversheild and camo spawn so closely together, if one team beats the other to the middle they can have both. but thats just my thought, the map overall though (ignoring weapon placement) gets a 5/5
  11. Arc7ic

    Arc7ic Ancient
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    I like this a lot better than the orignal narrows with the bottom and the whole map i guess
  12. USNSEABEE555

    USNSEABEE555 Ancient
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    Wow, I honestly don't feel that I deserve that much credit but thank you alot!

    Senior Member

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    This map looks very awesome. I love how you have based it on an original bungie map then taken it further to create a map of your own. While this has a feel of narrows the gameplay will definitely be different as the bases and the center are different to the original narrows. Nice to see a remake with lots of originality while keeping to the feel of narrows.

    Good map, keep on forging! 4/5
  14. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
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    i bet that this could possibly get a feature, exccelent forging, the bridge is perfectly forged. looks almost exactly like narrows.

    wait, without the mancannons working that well, i change my mind about the feature. Sad faice :(

    5/5 anyways and DL
    #34 R0FLninja, Mar 29, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2009
  15. USNSEABEE555

    USNSEABEE555 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks man, much appreciated...I have decided to release my final copy on April 9th. (seems like an appropriate date?) Some massive Improvements! Please everyone take the time to vote on my poll. I would really like opinions about the matter. Well happy forging/gaming!
    #35 USNSEABEE555, Mar 29, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2009
  16. Tyz51

    Tyz51 Ancient
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    If you could add another layer (to make it look thicker) maybe it wouldnt bother me XD that might be the reason, it looks pretty thin and most ancient structures were built Sturdy and strong. but thats my advice, it would 100% make up for the texture :) if you do that i would rate it 10/10
  17. USNSEABEE555

    USNSEABEE555 Ancient
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    That is not possible unfortunately I have reached the object limit pretty much...I have been toying around with the limited spaces available for the final copy on April 9th. You have a point though :D
  18. Tyz51

    Tyz51 Ancient
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    hmmmm... I alwas hated the OLN on every map. I wonder if their is a glitch to surpass it? ill note that for later... but anyway adding another layer would sure help it along. toy around and see what you can forfeit (any un-needed objects the players dont have access to) and add it to the places that need it most. I had to do that on a map I built called SkyLanche I sacrificed half of the castle to prevent camping and leaving a way to "Deal" with campers in the spots I left for a personal advantage.
  19. USNSEABEE555

    USNSEABEE555 Ancient
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    Ancient Narrows
    Created by USNSEABEE555

    Supported Game types:
    Slayer, TS, CTF, Oddball, plus many other custom Game Types.

    Map Description:
    Well it originally was meant to be a replicate of Halo's "Narrows".
    After getting started I realized, there was no way I would be able to
    recreate it due to the 3 Limits restricting us from overloading the
    map. So I went custom with it. I uploaded the first version of it to
    Bungie, then decided to change a few things..below is a list of all
    weapons & equipment placed. The map took a guesstimate of about
    40-50 hours, yes I know...get a life right? haha! Other then that
    Enjoy!! P.s. If you like my map please be a community hero and don't
    forget to rate and maybe leave a comment on its page via
    Thanks for any and all support!!

    Ok so the older versions were pretty rough, but I honestly feel that I have revamped the map with the changes made. After the constructive criticism received the new one is bound to get a few head nods now. Maybe a download or two? we'll see Enjoy

    - Added 2 battle rifles
    - Removed man cannons from base
    - Added two man cannons to the bridge area (to make it more similar to Narrows)
    - Moved the Overshield and Camo (see screens)
    - Moved the Sniper (see screens) NOTE: This was my buddy DE4TH DEAL3R's idea, thanks bro.
    - Deleted both old bases and remodled here and there

    Weapons Utilized:
    Battle Rifle x 10 (multiple locations)
    Covenant Carbine x 6 (multiple locations)
    Shotgun x 2 (one on each side of the bridge)
    Sniper Rifle x 2 (one at the very back of each base)
    Machine Gun Turrets x 2 (one on top of each base)
    Rocket Launcher (center of map lower walkway)
    *Note: as you can see not a lot of weapons were added, wanted this to be more of a competitive map.

    Equipment Utilized:

    Grav Lifts x 4 (two at each base, bottom floor corners)
    Plasma Grenande x 4 (center of bridge, on top and below)
    Bubble Shield (centered on the lower walkway)
    Power Drain (middle area of bridge)
    Regenerator (center of bridge)
    Radar Jammer (middle area of bridge)
    Overshield (see screens)
    Active Camo (see screens)

    Screen Shots:


    Hope everyone enjoys the map, Thanks for taking the time to check
    it out and the first version. As it has a different layout, see which one you like better..hope this is sufficient enough info to encourage you to d/l
    the map and round up some friends and play some CTF.

    Special thanks to my friends who helped me test out the game play, much appreciated!

    Download Ancient Narrows here
  20. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Um... why did you just post the whole OP again?
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