Synopsis by TheEpicCiabatta and xZonKeD Originally designed and built for the Template Contest, this map went through several design changes and more than a little procrastination to become a 6-base full foundry behemoth of a map, incorporating beautiful aesthetics into a smooth-playing and fun map. Vehicular combat meshes perfectly with action on foot, giving the map good balance and making sure that thinking (and shooting!) on your feet is just as important as your warthog skills. Gameplay feels somewhat reminiscent of the old BTB classic Relic, and yet still maintains its own unique style, where the team with the greatest coordination and skill will come out on top. Gametypes: Team Slayer Multi Flag One Flag Territories (and all default variants) Multi Bomb Neutral Bomb *A note on the gametypes - After quite a bit of testing, these are the gametypes that played the best. The map supports teams of 4 to teams of 8, although 5v5 and 6v6 are reccomended.* Weapons and vehicles: Battle Rifle x8 Assault Rifle x2 Covenant Carbine x2 Needler x2 Plasma Rifle x4 Spiker x2 SMG x4 Sniper Rifle x2 Rocket Launcher x2 Spartan Laser Gravity Hammer (symmetrical gametypes only) Shotgun Frag Grenade x4 Plasma Grenade x8 Spike Grenade x4 Bubble Shield x2 Power Drain Overshield Warthog x2 Mongoose x2 Map breakdown: As previously stated, the map is a 6-base full foundry, comprised of 4 different base designs. 2 of the bases are mirrored to the other side, with the other 2 acting as neutral bases. The bases give players a safe haven from vehicles, while a rather open bottom floor gives the vehicles good maneuverability. Multiple routes to and from each location provide the map with excellent flow. The main base, where symmetrical starting spawns and flag spawns are, as well as the rocket launcher spawn, stretches from the garage to the wing, providing a substantial walking surface and high ground against vehicles. Jump-ups in front of the base provide a quick way up for players on foot, and players can take shelter under the shield door protected bottom base. The first of the middle bases, dubbed "laser base," is the highest point on the map and includes a lift that leads from the bottom of the base to the middle or top section. It also boasts a large collection of anti-vehicle weapons, making the base very useful if the opposing team is using vehicles. This comes at the cost of being more vulnerable than any of the other bases. Teams that can utilize this base will be at an advantage during games. The "wing" base, connected directly to the main base and the laser base, is home of the sniper rifle and mongoose. While not as powerful as the other bases, it has the advantage of having a quick escape route through the back hall, as well as the ability to attack laser base from behind and take it from an opposing team. The final base is the only part of the map inaccessible to vehicles, and an important control point on the map. Suspended shield doors allow players to enter the base, as well as providing an open shooting lane while repelling vehicles and players from the other team. This is the defenders base for One Flag, and a powerful position to hold in symmetrical gametypes. Download Synopsis I hope you enjoy playing on this map as much as I enjoyed designing and building it.
ok I no we've had some problems but i did play this map I found it to be fun a really great to play on. I had one issue thou. the 2 rockets made it a little overpowering, but it was still fine, It was really fun when i played 4 on 4, (my team won =]) Honestly the way the map was built the warthogs had little affect to the map which in my opinion was a good thing. You a good forger even if we argue! good map
I'm willing to put our differences behind me, and thanks for the feedback. The rockets are set to have only 2 shots per spawn, forcing players to strategize more and not just randomly fire off rockets. I never had any complaints, but thanks for voicing your concern.
This map does look pretty awesome. Great geo-merging and intersecting, and I like the layout. However, Warthogs seem a little out of place. It doesn't look like they'd have much room to maneuver. Other than that, I have no other complaints. I'll download it and try it out. 4.5/5.
yeah im willing to also, hows asymetrical games play because without the ghammer that must bring the rockets into more use, for the laser and warthogs, but with this map type is the asymetrical gametypes just as fun? trust me the warthogs arent as overpowering, but with the bases good for the onf eet battles the bottom floor is just enough room for the warthogs and moongooses to travel through, but with the weaponplacement its not always wise to be in a warthog.
Since the map is set up for team play, the only asymmetrical gametype is 1-flag. The hammer is removed to both make way for a flag capture point and to prevent an easy assault of the defender base. In 1-flag, gameplay revolves mainly around laser base, as controlling that base gives your team more favorable spawns and a good position to work from.
ok i see sounds like a good idea, seems like you did a lot of testing an thinking through. Im guessing that the smart thing to do would be to get the flag cap on foot and use the warthog for a destraction.
defiant feature man! this is awesome! any slayer/objective map involving well put aesthetics deserves alot from it. i really like all the pillars, mostly those diagonal ones. this is amazing 5/5
Looks cool...You don't really need cover because the boxes sitting there. 9/10....I find myself lacking the game play of CTF and assault
You have very clean interlocking and gemerging. The map has a lot of cover but too much that you cant really shoot from one side to the other. Nice map 4.5/5
how would you know this is feature worthy? its not all about looks- download before reviewing how do you know you cant shoot from one side to the other have you downloaded and tried it? Download before giving reviews! how do you know the power weapons dont suite the map? have you tried it? Download before reviewing listen guys he didnt forge this for weeks maybe months to here a compliment and then a complaint about it right after the compliment, dont say something about a map unless you've played it and tried it.
@Joen Thanks for the praise, be sure to DL and leave some feedback after playing. @Landon Don't worry, I spent quite a bit of time developing the LOS and firing angles on this map. You can shoot from flag to flag on the bases, but I wanted to promote movement from the base by giving better angles to teams that can hold the neutral bases. @Theartofhalo When it boils down to it, I wanted the map to be about power weapon control. One thing about that power weapons that you can't see from the OP is that most of them have a reduced ammo count, making the amount seem larger. I'll have to update the OP so as to prevent some confusion. @Fritz Looking forward to it
Sorry for the double post. The map file has been updated. There were several problems with how the CTF variants were set up, but have now been fixed.
Map plays really really well. Everything is well balanced, and the interlocking and geo work are all well done. Neutral Bomb is the shiz on this btw.