Red Faction Guerilla

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Shatakai, Mar 28, 2009.

  1. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    Red Faction: Guerrilla

    Red Faction: Guerrilla is an open world third-person shooter video game in development by Volition, Inc. and published by THQ, set to be released at the end of June 2009. The game is the third installment in the Red Faction series.



    Red Faction: Guerrilla takes place in 2208, 50 years after the events of the first Red Faction, and about 45 years after the events of Red Faction II. The Earth Defense Force, or EDF (the allies in the first Red Faction), has changed. It has become an organization that kidnaps people and puts them in forced work camps for their own profit. The EDF is the main antagonist of Guerrilla.

    This time around, players assume the character of Alec Mason, a miner turned rebel against the EDF. Alec is seen wearing a green army jacket and cargo pants. He is a man of unknown background but has gotten into the war against the EDF because of his brother’s murder and has become a part in the newly re-formed Red Faction.
    Alec Mason

    Rick White revealed that most of the game will take place on the terraformed surface of Mars, with some parts in other places such as the Ultor labs to pay homage to the first Red Faction. Not much else is known of the game’s plot.


    The most interesting aspect of Red Faction: Guerrilla's gameplay is the destruction mechanic. Everything in the game is able to be leveled to the ground. See an EDF stronghold suspended from a cliff? Take out the supports and the stress system built into the game will have it rolling down the cliff in a matter of seconds.

    YouTube - Red Faction: Guerrilla - Destruction As A Weapon

    With a huge emphasis placed on the destructibility of, well, everything, Volition has made sure to include a plethora of weapons and vehicles to assist you.
    The game's signature weapon is none other than the sledgehammer. Used by the miners, this weapon has infinite ammo and is great for taking out key parts of a structure. Explosive charges work similar to grenades. Throw one down and it will attach to any surface. Walls, ceilings, vehicles, even EDF soldiers.

    Volition wanted to make a game that really was a sandbox world. When missions are assigned to you, you are given the target and it's location, and the rest is up to you. If there is an EDF executive in the 15th floor of an office building, take him out by any means necesary. Gun your way up to the 15th floor, run a truck off a cliff and smash through the walls, or even take out just a few main supports to send the building falling to the ground. Play it your way.


    YouTube - red faction guerilla - mulitiplayer

    The multiplayer of RF:G incorporates the same level of destruction as the single player campaign. There are your traditional modes of play, but many of them have their own Red Faction twist. Take the King of the Hill variant for example. There are certain locations your team must control for a steady stream of points. However, the twist is that your team must detroy these marked structures by any means necesary, and then rebuild it using a sort of reassimilation ray gun.

    The game supports a pick up weapon system, similar to Halo's gameplay. But, what RF manages to do differently is incorporate the use of Backpacks. Backpacks are found at terminals located throughout the maps (Which the game will ship with 20 multiplayer maps), and each one has a different perk that corresponds to it. These backpacks include:

    The Jetpack
    Exactly what you would expect. Allows you to fly through the air and rain down revenge on your enemies.

    This backpack will allow your character to run at drastically increased speed for a few seconds, allowing you to get up close and personal with your sledgehammer.

    Encompasses the player with a shield and propels them forward with great force. Nothing will stand in your way... atleast, not for long.

    This backpack will allow you to ascend or descend with great force. Good to use when an enemy is on a floor beneath you.

    Emits a stong concussive force outward from the player and will deflect incoming debree, as well as enemy players. Great for when those buildings come falling down on you.

    Frankly my personal favorite, the Tremor Backpack will cause the ground to shake violently around the player. Bring skyscrapers down in seconds.

    Increases damage output.

    Quickly regenerate your health and the health of nearby teammates.

    Player becomes tansparent for a short while.

    Gives the player X-ray vision. No one will be able to hide.

    Wrecking Crew

    Wrecking crew is a hotseat local multiplayer set of gametypes that those who don't have internet access can use to still enjoy the game with friends. Game modes feature destroying more than your opponents within a set time with unlimited ammo to shooting barrels for points.

    Overall, Red Faction Guerrilla is a fun open world game that lets you play however you want. The destruction mechanic makes for very interesting gameplay, and the huge scale of somethings just astound me.

    I and many others have played it and many agree it is one of the best games to come out in 2009.


    GamePro: 100 - Editor's Choice Award "It's become a rare thing for me to actually stop playing a game to call one of my friends and gush about something amazing that happened, or how much they need to play it when it comes out, but I did this countless times while playing Guerrilla"

    GameShark: 91 - Editor's Choice Award "Guerrilla’s balance of freedom and focus keeps you engaged, but the reckless pandemonium makes it truly worthwhile. The detailed destruction in Red Faction is gloriously satisfying."

    MSXBOX-World: 95 - "For action-adventure and shooter fans looking for a fresh, solid and fun title to last them well into the summer, this is a day one, “must buy” purchase."

    Gaming Excellence: 93 - "A very solid single player offering, expansive multiplayer modes, and an offline party game that’s accessible to anyone, Red Faction: Guerrilla is an early candidate for one of the top games of the year"

    In-Game Help

    Mission Guide: Red Faction: Guerrilla - PC PS3 XB360/Walkthrough - WikiCheats

    Interactive Collectibles Map: Red Faction Guerrilla - Interactive Locations Map

    Here are some "exclusive" codes given away for pre-orders.

    Golden Hammer - HARDHITTER (Once activated, it is the only usable hammer in SP)
    Four Extra Wrecking Crew Maps - MAPMAYHEM

    In-game cheats are unlocked by completing certain achievements.
    Cool Turrets: Turrets never overheat - Tank Buster: Blow up 100 small hydrogen tanks
    Free Upgrades: All upgrades are free - Freedom Fighter: Complete 50 Guerrilla actions
    Max Morale: 100 morale in all sectors - Don't Tread On Me: Liberate the Oasis sector
    Max Technology: All AI has best armor and weapons - Red Dawn: Liberate Mars
    No Green Alert: Alert level is always yellow+ - One Man Army: 25 killing sprees in SP
    Super Debris: Explosive and impact power x3 - Coming Down: Destroy 50 EDF buildings
    Super Hammer: Hammer is much stronger - Best Friends Forever: 100 SP hammer kills
    Super Jetpack: Jetpack recharge 1.5x faster - Broken Supply Line: Destroy 250 EDF crates
    Super Sprinting: Sprint 1.5x faster - Working The Land: Mine all 300 ore locations
    Unlimited Ammo: Unlimited Ammo - Freed Space: destroy 50 EDF flyers
    Super Toughness: Player is much harder to kill - Lost Memories: Locate all Radio Tags
    #1 Shatakai, Mar 28, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2009
  2. supertoaster

    supertoaster Ancient
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    the sledgehammer is sick... imagine it, 1000 pounds of kinetic energy smashing your face in. You're gonna need one big band-aid for that.
  3. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    I cannot wait for this game. I have been looking into it for quite some time. This is for sure on my list of 10 ten game of 2009. I just cant wait. I really hope more people get into this game, so the online will have WAY more support. It just looks like such a unique gaming experience. Critics are saying it has the best destruction engine in any game, by far, and from watching these videos, i agree. Although i loved the destruction in BF:BC and MERCS2, the destruction in those games weren't very real. Just smoke and mirrors.

    This a first day buy for me, and i am looking forward to owning you with meh sludge hammer online.
  4. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    I just want to go into singleplayer and run over everything, and if you can fly vehicles, then fly those towards a building and jump out the last second (Just for the epicness not a 911 remake)

    I'm excited for everything in this game. Singleplayer, multiplayer, weapons, backpacks, ect. Multiplayer is going to be epic, and I will always be using a rhino.
  5. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    I can only imagine how good it will feel to just plant that into someone.
  6. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    Some quotes from game critics that got a preview of the game:

    Gaming Excellence (Multiplayer Preview)

    “I’ve saved the best for last - a hidden gem with which I’ve had the opportunity to spend a smashing couple of hours. As promised, I’m talking about Wrecking Crew, a mode designed to be a party game amongst a group of friends.

    “We tried out a few different scenarios: playing with just a sledgehammer and the Rhino backpack proved to be a big hit, as buildings would often collapse right on top of you after taking out the last of their supports. Singularity bombs also proved to be a riot, causing the ultimate amount of chaos and leveling the entire world. This pushed the physics engine to its limits, and was sure as hell fun to watch.”


    “Within a few minutes of grabbing the controller and arming my first bomb, all doubts regarding my beloved series’ transition from a FPS were brutally expelled with the force of a servo-powered sledgehammer”

    “Guerrilla exudes a sense of epic accomplishment and self-importance that few open-world games can boast. It’s the frantic and improvisational battles, the visible remnants of your actions, and the intersections of missions and freedom…Guerrilla is a rare game that doesn’t trade action for adventure, and the hefty, FPS-inspired multiplayer sessions prove it.”


    “Several of the multiplayer arenas are intricately designed set-pieces that realize Volition’s vision of an aggressively terraformed Mars, with snow-capped mountains, valleys lined with blossoming vegetation, and bottomless, icy crevasses, all with man-made factories, plants, residences and other structures built perilously in-between, just waiting to be blown to kingdom come in the heat of battle. I have not seen such varied and interesting multiplayer environments since Lost Planet, and the possibilities of what can be done in these levels with Geo Mod 2.0 and the wide selection of weapons, backpacks and equipment make that game seem completely tame by comparison.”

    XBOX Addict (With photos from our Vegas event)

    “You learn right from the start it’s not going to be a day in the park for Alec and not given much to start with but the SledgeHammer it is a versatile force to recon with major devastation. The first 45 minutes to an hour I spent pounding and smashing buildings, boxes, vehicles and EDF’s to see just how much destruction I could do. A feeling of accomplishment was had watching and hearing the building just creek, twist and crumble to the red clay below. The controls were very easy to learn and quite intuitive .”

    WorthPlaying (Single Player only, MP is in Part 2)

    “Since these missions of destruction are totally freeform, they are the perfect way to showcase the physics engine within Red Faction: Guerrilla as well as highlight the flexibility of the engine. There is no “right” way to bring down a building. You can drive an armored car through the center of it (a stolen EDF vehicle works really well for this). You can set remote charges on the key supports and blow them up from a distance. You can use a rocket launcher to bombard the side of a building. You can even target explosive barrels and let the secondary explosions do the work.”

    Gaming Age

    “Vehicle-wise, Red Faction: Guerrilla does an excellent job of having a good variety that makes sense in the environment. Unlike other games in the genre, vehicles prove to be really tough–there’s no parts flying everywhere after a single bump like in GTA, nor any vehicles that have a severe disadvantage over the others. The selection is just that well rounded and balanced. As well, they are modeled fully: a bit of care that I really appreciated when dealing with the strategy of remote mines on vehicles. Given that an errant shot from an enemy could set them off, it made more sense to go to the back of one of the vehicles to break off the doors (with a few hits of the hammer) and toss the explosives inside. It wasn’t noted beforehand that such a task could be undertaken, but was part of discovering just how far the limits of the game lie.”

    Gaming Trend

    “…I need to first explain why you should be excited about Team Anarchy and Capture the Flag. Every game you’ve played that features these two modes features set pieces that are static. Once you learn the map, it’s simply a matter of having more skill than the other players and faster twitch reflexes. Imagine now that you can’t learn the map any more – imagine that the map changes every time you play it. GeoMod 2.0 changes this drastically because the map is completely destructible. How do you defend a base when the enemy can drop quantum singularity mines that cause the very walls to implode? It’s hard to keep your flag safe when the enemy wields rockets capable of bringing the structure down around your ears. That sniper that likes to sit on top of the roof? Try throwing a sticky mine on the roof and watch him come crashing down in a hail of debris. The map is ever changing, and no two rounds will play the same.”

    Gaming Nexus

    “You really have to play the game to see how the gameplay changes when buildings and walls pose no threat to you. If there’s a granite or metal wall in your way, just take your sledgehammer out and take it down. There’s rarely an area you can’t bust through and you can topple large buildings by taking out the necessary support structure. When you do start taking buildings apart, it’s not uncommon to only see parts of the buildings fall or have delay in which the buildings crumble down. It’s really slick on how it’s done and there are many times the buildings fall apart differently giving some nice variety in the level of destruction you cause. Busting parts of the walls down with your sledgehammer is very therapeutic and visually impressive.”
  7. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    Oh and were those all the backpacks? I think it's going to add alot of diversity to the game.
  8. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    The game looks like it's controls are alot like SR2 so thats good for me because I'm really good at that game.

    EDIT: Didn't realize I made the last post
  9. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    I never played the other Red Faction Games. From what I've heard they were loads different.
  10. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    I think he's talking about Saints Row, not the old Red Factions.
  11. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    I don't know why I read that as RF2.

    My B.
  12. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    Had me wondering, but yeah RF was a FPS. I don't mind the change because I like both perspectives and you can react if something is falling on your head. I think it is unfair though that you can peak around corners.
  13. NobodyPro

    NobodyPro Ancient
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    SR1 was kinda bad but SR2 rocked my socks off and almost made me put down GTA IV, so I think that if Volition can pull off that trick two times in a row, oh my god...

  14. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    I LOVE the colors!

    June has never felt so far away...

    Demo Walkthrough, truly epic.

    and some more

    By monday i should have the demo. I will be back to talk about what i think of it.
    #14 LOCK.xcf, Apr 4, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2009
  15. overthehodge

    overthehodge Ancient
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    i wont be picking this up unfortunately.
    i would but to me it looks as if it will be good (8/ 10 good).
    but id rather get lost planet 2 and virtua tennis 2009.
    something about it, i tyhink i will need to play before i buy it unless someone here is a gd negotiator.
  16. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    Well the fact that you wont pick up an 8/0 game is kinf of sad. Also, lost planet 2 doesn't come out until late this year, some say maybe even in 2010, so i don't think you have to worry about money. I have no idea what vitua tennis is so yeah.

    I really think you should pick this up though. It looks like a great sandbox game, with great graphics, a lot of guns/ vehicles, some really cool online, and a lot of variety in the game play. I am a fan of Lost Planet, and to tell you the truth, this game looks pretty similar [game play at least].
  17. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    The demo is now available for people who reserved it, so you can use this thread to post anything you like or want to discuss about the demo.

    I'm picking up my code later tonight.
  18. iZumi

    iZumi Ancient
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    This game looks absolutely amazing. I've never heard of it even, to tell you the truth. The destruction physics look outstanding and the gameplay mechanic is like none I've seen. It's the ultimate sandbox of destruction. This is a for sure buy for me.
  19. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    Well, I just got done playing the demo... for the past couple hours! It is definitely the best demo I have ever come across and even tops some of my complete $60 game purchases. There are so many ways to approach a simple mission.

    Here is how the mission goes: You are supposed get into an EDF camp (which you start about 10 feet from) and confiscate a walker, which is essentially a giant mech that can rain down destruction. You then take it to a truck and drive out while providing covering fire with a planted rocket launcher. There is a 10 minute time limit to complete the demo or die. I have probably played that 10 minute timer 30 times over and only had more fun each time than I did the last.

    Destruction never gets old, and many buildings I could destroy an infinite number of times and still get giddy when they finally come toppling over. Vehicles are fun and there are alot of them, but I find myself almost avoiding them because it's so much more satisfying to do things on foot.

    Controls are very easy to get used to, although I did change my control scheme very early so I could zoom with left trigger. The gunplay is awesome, and I'm surprised it's as fun and polished as it is, you know, with so much emphasis being put on destruction. Most buttons are second nature, and I can switch between weapons in an instant.

    It's so pleasing because you can go in guns-a-blazin', go in and destroy structures and enemies with as many explosions as possible, you can take a vehicle and come through the camp on it's flank, hell, you can even go stealth and kill with the sledgehammer.

    I can definitely see this being one of my most favorite games ever, and even as a demo it is extremely polished and well done. The only thing I've encountered that posed a problem was a single EDF soldier was standing with his back to me not knowing what to do. He just stood there. But truly, there is so much going on at any given time I would only notice that if I tried to search for that stuff.

    This is a definite buy for me, and for anyone else who wants it the demo will be available for everyone starting April 23rd!
  20. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    Okay, now let me just start off by saying i ****ing love this game. Please excuse my language, but that is the only way i can put it into words. Never have i played a game that gets so many things right. Its the best destruction engine in any game. Period. The gameplay in general is just fun. So many things come together in an epic ball of sexxx.

    ps... BUY THIS GAME

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