Dead Air

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by jakob hunter, Feb 14, 2009.


What do you give this map

  1. very poor 1-2/10

  2. poor 3-4/10

    0 vote(s)
  3. OK 5-6/10

  4. good 7-8/10

  5. really good 9/10

  6. excellent! 10/10

  7. Featured!!!

  1. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It is highly recamended to play this map with my gametype i have given you so please do if you want the full expirience.
    Here is the map and gametype

    Download Map [​IMG]

    Download Game [​IMG]

    Want to see this map featured? Click and post HERE

    For No Mercy, the first addition to the map pack click HERE

    Thank you for viewing i hope you enjoy. I would play with you but my xbox live gold subscription ran out and i have no money wich is why this map was only tested in its middle stages. So any advice on what i should do if i make a v2 would be nice. Please only constructive critisism and complements.

    To see the pics full sized click Here

    or just click on the icon above the post telling you to click to see in full size
    #1 jakob hunter, Feb 14, 2009
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2009
  2. Theartofhalo2

    Theartofhalo2 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Really impressive, i like all the aesthetics and effects you placed into it. It looks like a really fun and great infection map.
  3. AI_Twitch

    AI_Twitch Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks entertaining. I enjoy the use of the demolished warthog.
  4. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks it took me a while to get the warthog smoke to look good and to stay ablaze. I thank you for posting and i hope you down load.

    if you want to see this post in higher quality just click on the tan bars that say "click this bar for full image"
  5. Ian 130

    Ian 130 Ancient
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    I love the smoke from the warthogs, it looks fricken sweet! I finanaly manages to get left 4 and you recreated no mercy very very well in a bite sized m&m package. This not so much. but still plays good which is that matters. I had an idea for a map but it was epic phail. I was gunna recreate the Finale of no mercy which was one of my favorite parts of the game. My idea was that i was going to elevate the area of play just enough so that the humans couldnt jump up after they fell off but the zombies could, because you know the infected climb up the building. Then the Zombies would spawn in an enclosed area in the back of the map, with a teleporter that randomly leads to to one of the recievers either on the area of play or around the are of play. And a custom powerup that spawns every 2 minutes or so. Of course there would be a few zombie spawn points on the outskirts of the area of play, and the zombies could jump out of the zombie spawn if did not feel like taking the teleporter.Then around the hospital there are sender nodes which send them to a hole in the zombie spawn out of reach of the allmighty CP to be slaughtered.
    Alpha Zombie=Hunter
    Zombie=common infected
    but i ran into a few obvious problems: the humans could kill the zombies before they make it up mercy hospital, lack of resources, lack of skill in forgery....etc. I think with your forge skills you could do what i failed you take requests?
  6. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well im actually going to make one just like that in the skybubble in Sandbox once i get the Mythic maps and i will take any of your suggestions but yes i didnt really capture this one very well and its playing is pretty slow but still fun so thanks for your comments.
  7. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I liked the post, but I can tell that you used Mastar's Manifest map for your canvas (warthog start). I do like your Left 4 Dead map's, but I did prefer your previous one. Still though, nice map, and nice post. I shall DL.
  8. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
    Senior Member

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    no i didnt use his map as a canvas but i agree with you my last one was better
  9. FryTheSly

    FryTheSly Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i always like it when people re create l4d or cod5 cuz it usually turns out great
    this map is no dissapointment
    i think insted of making it on the WHOLE dead air campaign you should do it on just the finale or some other specific level. that way you could add a lot more detail and not have all the stages seem really cramped.
    im gona download cuz i think this map looks amazing. good job dude
  10. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
    Senior Member

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    hey thanks i am actually going to make some much better ones based on the finales on Sandbox once i get the Mythic maps which i hope today i will

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