Orifice Orifice is my third posted map, and one that was posted due to popular demand. It is a Sandtrap Infection map, but the thing I'm posting is really a Gametype. Mount Up is infection, used for Orifice, in which the Zombie traits are: Zombies are fast, invisible and can pick up equipment and grenades, have regenerating grenades and an energy sword. The Humans have a BR and a Magnum. Plenty of weapons are provided for the Humans, who's job is to not stay still. It works for any large maps that have Mongeese and Gauss Warthogs. The Elephants are an added bonus for this Sandtrap map. Download Map Download Gametype Orifice is a game where you must use teamwork. I know everyone hates teamwork, but live with it. Or die without it. Humans The Humans spawn by lots of weapons stacked in they're own weapon holder. There are Snipers, ARs, Shotguns, Sentinel Beams, Rocket Launchers and SMGs. I havent deleted everything on the map prior to construction so I have found there is one more Shotgun and two more Brute Shots. There are two BRs close by. There are two half armoured Gauss Warthogs and Four Mongeese. And the Elephant. the Elephant contains one Spartan Laser, four Human Turrets, a Regenerator, Bubble Shield and a Trip Mine near the back of the Elephant which has instant respawn and works as mine laying equipment; a little something for the zombies. The Humans just have to avoid the Zombies. Zombies The Zombies task is to Stick vehicles with grenades, slash them with Swords or Trip Mine them to Explosion. Or they can Gravlift them and they look pretty... They have to run around ambushing or chasing the Humans. Any Alpha Zombies are completely invisible, the others have only Poor Camo. But Beware, even this Camouflage doesn't stop you from being very very low damage resistance. Picturography The Human Weapons The Human Spawn The HALF armoured Gauss Hogs The Elephant Interior The Mine Laying Equipment The Infected Maker Tactics Humans: Stay in a Vehicle. You have no chance without it. Get a rider. Mongoose or Warthog, your are going to want as many people with guns as possible. The Elephant is the best. Get one guy on each turret, one driver and a guy to lay the mines. If you drive around, don't follow the guy in front. Don't take the same route as you took last time. Be Unpredictable. Zombies: Use Equipment. A well placed Grav Lift can flip a Vehicle. Use Spike Grenades. They kill Vehicles better. Use Ambush. Hide behind something, then jump out and lob a 'Nade. There are also several 'Helpful Objects' scattered around. You won't be able to get all of them straight away. There are 2 human ones, 1 Zombie, and one neutral. I'm not going to tell you where they are. Or what. Thank you for reading. And Downloading. If You Did. And feel free to post ideas for maps you would like to see this idea on, constructive criticism and ideas for another version, if this one could be improved. My GT is Big Hobo. You want to do custom games some time, send me a game invite. And my spelling mistakes aren't. Its Englandian English.
This map looks rather good, although I am giving the name a fail. Does the armour on the warthogs come off if you pick up speed?
its a bit original, altho ive played maps like this and it does actually get fun. im not sure whats up with the half armored warthogs, but its not going to stick to long (ive tryed but the elephant in this game actually has some use. id give this about a 3/5, nothing bad, but its barely any different from other similar gametypes
It looks fun but it seems to much like tom and Jerry. Grab a wart hog and run around avalanche would be better because you have to turn back or go through the hall which the infected could easily get you
i like the armored hogs. very neat. and i dont beleive the armor comes off when you go fast. just dont have anyone in the turret or it will come off. i saw the armored hogs in a youtube vid thats why i no a thing or two about em
Nice sandtrap map you have there and the idea of having an armored warthog is amazing I like the way it fits on the hog and just like most of the thoughts in the thread will the armor stay on the vehicle if I were to drive it at all. Sweet map!
I am currently constructing a new version on Sandbox, with towers blocked for full area use. i will post it soon.