Thank you! Chinese Mountains Consent to rules:Yes Program used: GIMP Other: Spoiler Well, here I am again. This is my second attempt at a GIMP picture. In case you didn't see: Before any confusion, I did use vector brushes. I decided to try and take a minimalistic approach on this one, hence the use of the boxy mountains and tree. That being said, please don't tell me how easy this is and whatnot. It's the simplistic design that I was going for. Black and red are my two favorite colors and they blend really well together, which is why I chose to use them.
Sig:I have two versions, so just CnC the one you think looks better. Spoiler Spoiler Name: Um... Halo? idk, I didn't assign it a name. Consent to rules: Sure Program used: Gimp
Sig: Spoiler Version 1: Spoiler Version 2: Name: Freedom Consent to rules: Certainly Program used: GIMP Other: The quality seems to be very low for some reason. Probably the JPG format. If necessary, I will upload a PNG version.
Render/stock quality:10/10 from what I can see great choice Blending:5/10 it was okay, but could be better Depth:7/10 the focal looks good, but the bg looks odd... Effects:7/10 I don't see very many other than smudging, which is ok Focal:8/10 Clearly defined, but the back is smudged, I don't like that Lighting:5/10 Not very good... Composition:6/10 The focal is in a odd place for me, imo... Render/stock quality:8/10 a somewhat over used stock and maybe lq Blending:6/10 not very much of it... Depth:7/10 it was alright... Effects:7/10 I can see the c4d a little too much Focal:6/10 Looks blurry and lq Lighting:7/10 Its kinda hard to see Composition:6/10 It is the bg that kills it... Render/stock quality:5/10, I can barley tell what it is Blending:8/10 in some places its kinda messed up but its pretty good Depth:5/10 The whole thing looks like it has wierd effects Effects:5/10 as mentioned before Focal:7/10 clearly defined, but hard to tell what it is... Lighting:6/10 the lighting in the back looks odd Composition:8/10 your stronger point, very nice positioning but bg... Render/stock quality:8/10 its okay... Blending:4/10 you didn't do much Depth:8/10 thats hard to do with anime... Effects:7/10 like the lightened bg, but you didn't do much Focal:8/10 clearly defined, but you missed a part to lighten in the hair... Lighting:7/10 its good, but you didn't do much...I can't get over that... Composition:7/10 the placement seems a little off... Render/stock quality: 7/10 I don't think its a very good choice... Blending:3/10 idk what you would blend... Depth:7/10 its good in this depo. but you didn't to much Effects:0/10 I can't see any what so ever... Focal: 6/10 I can't tell which to look at Lighting:8/10 great job on that... Composition:4/10 the stock wasn't a good choice...
My first sig, so try to go easy on me. Sig: My first ? Name: Undecided Consent to rules: Yes Program used: PS CS4
Icickle, why, may I ask, did you decide to skip my picture? Is it because it lacks the "artistic quality" that can be contained in a 500x200 rectangle? I found your "reviews" rather incompetent, to say the least, while your incomplete sentences showed that you took none of this seriously. By completely skipping my picture and posting something with very little effort, it has shown me that you are very unprofessional when it comes to something that need to be taken with a professional approach. I personally asked "Actually Cool" to make CnC Hub more than just a place to get a review on sigs simply because I wanted to see if someone like you was capable of reviewing something not usually posted in this forum. I ask that someone review my picture and not ignore it. I will post more of these to test the true artistic qualities and ideals that the "judges" actually have. To any other judge: Please do not take this as a personal offense. I found it rather rude that my picture was skipped, seeing as it was the only non-sig posted on that page. Spoiler Don't worry. I'm protected from your flames.
Um, dude, calm down. It would have taken forever in this situation to write out long, detailed reviews of each of the signatures, and in this case I think she was right to choose quantity over quality. There were lots of people in need of a review and so she judged all of them at once so there wouldn't be so many people waiting. As for skipping yours, I'm sure it was probably either: A) a mistake B) She isn't used to critiquing graphic arts other than signatures, although I could be wrong about that C) She was tired of critiquing all those sigs and didn't have the time/patience to critique another. I'm sure it was not a personal attack against you or your piece of art.
It appears my submission was also missed. I put it in Quote tags to make it visible, so there's a big chance you thought it was a quote and ignored it. Oops. For ease, I'll re-submit: Hey, I'm having trouble getting feedback on my thread, so could you take a look at a Sig? I don't mind who CnC's it, as long as they are honest. Sig: Name: Flareon Consent to rules: Yesh Program used: GIMP Other: Any specific thinsg that you can pick out which would make the sig look better? If there is one, post it, no matter how small. :happy:
Ill do another that i just made. Sig: Name: halo 2 sig Consent to rules: yes Program used (optional) Gimp 2.6 Other (optional) This is my 3rd c4d tryout.
NewbAmoebe(Sorry I don't have the quote) Render/stock quality:3/10 it has white speckles around it...low quality and blurry maybe? Blending:6/10 your first sig has a c4d, but, there should be additional blending which is hard to get in a pop-out sig Depth:6/10 the fact that the c4d is over mc hurts this... Effects:7/10 for a new sig maker good job Focal:5/10 blurry lq and white speckles again Lighting:3/10(Try the above suggestion) Composition: 5/10 pop-out, I don't like them, and the speckles ruin this... I guess you skipped over this one...
Nothing against Icecickle, but I'm reposting mine because I didn't really know what should be changed about it. Signature: Name: Full Circle Consent to Rules: Yes Program used: Photoshop CS2 Stock Used: Spoiler I just want some more concrete feedback, not just ratings.
Um...Since I'm the only person ratting right now, I doubt this gets done very promptly. But whatever, you can take me off the judge list also, since I apparently can't give good CnC to 5 people at the same time. Please forgive me for trying to be nice and remove you from the waiting list.
That's not what I meant, I just didn't get anything I didn't find out when I posted that thread for feedback.
Mostly I meant to put more effects, and more clearly define your focal. But, Take me off the judge list. I'm sorry to anyone who I may have offended while trying to get people off the waiting list, and to the guy whose picture I skipped, because I should have told why in my post, but thats not motive for personal attack, sorry. Call me shallow, call me petty I don't care.
Sig: Name: Rampage Consent to rules: Certainly Program used: GIMP Other: I'm not so sure about the vector lines in this one.. but I kind of like them. I tried a new lighting method, too. EDIT: Ice, I don't think you should take it too personally. It was a mutual mistake, and while what Blue said might have been offensive, it shouldn't be taken too too seriously. I greatly appreciated the feedback you gave me. EDIT2: Sorry, I got bored so I made another Sig: Name: In the Middle of Everything Consent to rules: Certainly Program used: GIMP