Halo 3 Ultimate Sketchup Template Compilation

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by squidhands, Mar 4, 2009.

  1. Spirit798

    Spirit798 Ancient
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    Alright, a few little questions.

    I have started making a map, but I have hidden the main floor and the crypt.
    I saved for later work. Now I want to take some screenies, but I can't figure how to un-hide said main floor & crypt, if it's still possible.

    Another thing, how do I hide those annoying gray fields, above and under the sky bubble?

    I have to say, though, this is awesome.
    You gave me the opportunity to let my ideas flow even before I have the mythic pack.
  2. adam2008

    adam2008 Ancient
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    Just curious, i have never actualy used sketchup but does someone reckon it would be possible to do the same as this template to some of the halo 2 maps then place the base template of the map you want to re-create onto the sandbox template, this way you can get a ver accurate map.
  3. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Yeah, it's a great opportunity to get some ideas fleshed out when you're away from Sandbox proper.
    To unhide, simply go to EDIT > UNHIDE > ALL. Should bring everything back that you've hidden.

    Your best bet for creating a H2 map is going back and playing it about 20 times to get a fresh feeling for the layout and object distance. Halopedia has some decent overhead shots of many H2 maps, so you can use all that towards your sketchup. The way you're talking about seems rather time-consuming and in all reality not worth the trouble. There's no way that you'll ever make a perfect remake (since Forge isn't a map editor), so just make it as faithful as you can/want.
  4. adam2008

    adam2008 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks, is there any tuts because it looks like a good program but one that you need to get to no a bit

    and quickly how do i get to each object i.e block hude ect
    #24 adam2008, Mar 18, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2009
  5. Spirit798

    Spirit798 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well, I tried that before I posted.
    But I'm starting to think, that perhaps I have deleted it instead of hiding it.
    Ah, well. Doesn't really matter.
    I can make screenies even without the other layers.
  6. LuiginDaisy

    LuiginDaisy Ancient
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    I'm only asking because when I try and open this in SketchUp, it crashes on me. What's the diameter for the skybox in "squares?" I know that the floor is about 60 by 30.

    2 squares = 1 single box length
  7. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
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    THank you so much! this is a HUUUUUGE help to me!
  8. LuiginDaisy

    LuiginDaisy Ancient
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    I've found out the size of the skybox. I don't know the height, but I found the length and width. That should help with your ideas before Mythic maps are on sale.

    -It's almost a perfect circle with 132 squares in length x 134 squares in width.
    -That's 66 single boxes x 67 single boxes

    If I'm not mistaken, the Foundry Grifball Court is 11 x 9 single boxes long.
    It would take 6 grifball courts to be the length of the skybox.
  9. Halodudeguy

    Halodudeguy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is so wonderful. It will help me until the maps come out...Thank you so umch who ever made this! I'm going to DL it now
  10. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
    Forge Critic

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    Here are all the measurements for Sandbox the I posted long ago on XF:

    Sandbox Information

    Now that we have all that, here’s some info for sandbox that may prove useful to the lot of you. I spent much time measuring out lots of the objects and exploring Sandbox… hopefully this information will help you along your way to building a great and innovative map. First I present to you the measurements and descriptions:

    40 WALL $5; 2 x 2
    Wall thickness; same as Wall on Foundry

    20 WALL, HALF $5
    Take a wall and cut out half of it minus two of the sides, when prong sides are pointed up, it is not short enough to shoot through, but short enough to jump over

    20 WALL, QUARTER $5
    Take a wall and cut out a quarter of it minus two of the sides, this is crouch height when prong sides are downward

    20 WALL, CORNER $5
    Put two walls together, one perpendicular to the other and on the other’s edge; Same as Wall, Corner on Foundry

    20 WALL, SLIT $5
    There is a slit in the wall to shoot through, but can’t be climbed through

    20 WALL, T $5
    Place a single wall perpendicular to a double wall and in the center

    40 WALL, DOUBLE $5; 2 x 4
    Place two walls together; same as Wall, Double on Foundry

    20 WEDGE, SMALL $5; 2 x 1
    Acts as a small ramp to wall thickness height

    20 WEDGE, LONG $5; 4 x 1
    Acts as a long ramp to wall thickness height

    40 BLOCK, LARGE $5; 2 x 2 x 2
    Same as single box on Foundry

    40 BLOCK, DOUBLE $5; 2 x 4 x 2
    Same as double box on Foundry

    30 BLOCK, TALL $5; 2 x 1 x 2
    Half of a Block, Large

    30 BLOCK, HUGE $5; 1 x 4 x 2
    Half of a Block, Double long ways

    40 WEDGE, HUGE $5; 2 x 2 x 2
    Edge of base of pyramids

    30 RAMP, LARGE $5; 1 x 4 x 2
    Thinner than stairs on Foundry, but almost the same

    20 WEDGE, LARGE $5; 2 x 2 x 2
    Block, Large split from one corner to opposite corner, triangle piece

    40 WEDGE, CORNER $5; 2 x 2 x 2
    Corner of base of pyramids

    20 TUBE PIECE $5; 2 x 2 x 2
    Hollowed out Block, Large

    20 TUBE Y-INTERSECTIONS $5; about 4 x 4 x 2
    Hollowed out Y-Intersection

    20 TUBE CORNER $5; about 4 x 4 x 2
    Two Tube, Pieces perpendicular and touching at one edge, connected to form Tube, Corner… hollowed out

    20 TUBE RAMP $5; 2 x 1
    Ramp up to tube floor height thickness

    20 COLUMN, STONE SMALL $5; 1 x 4 x 1
    A stone column the height two Block, Larges

    20 COLUMN, DAMAGED SMALL $5; 1 x 2 x 1
    A damaged Column, Stone Small; Is moveable by vehicles and gravity

    20 COLUMN, BLUE SMALL $5; 1 x 2 x 1
    A color-coded column

    20 COLUMN, RED SMALL $5; 1 x 2 x 1
    A color-coded column

    20 COLUMN, LARGE $5; 1 x 8 x 1
    A double Column, Stone Small

    20 COLUMN, STONE LARGE $5; 1 x 8 x 1
    A stove version of Column, Stone Large

    20 BLOCK, TINY $5; 1 x 1 x 1/2
    Ity-bity block that is moveable only by vehicles

    20 BLOCK, SMALL $5; 1 x 1 x 1
    Two Block, Tiny’s put together this is also only moveable by vehicles

    20 BLOCK, FLAT $5; 1 1/3 x 1 1/3 x 1/2
    This is not moveable by vehicles, just rather small.

    20 BLOCK, ANGLED $5; 2 x 2
    This is like two Walls slapped together with both of one of their corners ripped off, you can walk up the slant if stood upright

    20 CORNER, SMALL $5; 1 x 1
    These are the little objects you find in Sandtrap that are placed together in groups of four geo-merged into the ground.

    20 CORNER, LARGE $5; 3 x 3 x 1 1/2
    These are the temple like things that are in groups of four on Sandtrap…

    20 STONE BRIDGE $5; 1 1/2 x 2 1/2
    This stone bridge is just that… but not the same size as the bridge on Foundry, it’s a little bigger than one box length wise and a little smaller in width, it is also double the thickness of a wall

    20 OBELISK $5; 1 1/2 x 1 1/2 x 3 1/2
    These are the little things that poke out of the ground and kind of curve in at the top

    20 FIN $5; 2 x 2 1/4
    Looks like a wall that got cut in half from one corner to the other, and got a base added with a chunk ripped out of it near the bottom; looks like fin from ship

    20 RAMP, SHORT $5; 1 x 2/3
    This smooth ramp is about a third of the width of a Block, Large

    20 RAMP, WIDE $5; 2 1/4 x 2 1/4
    A smooth ramp that is the height of a Block, Angled

    20 RAMP, THICK $5; 1 3/4 x 3/4
    A thick ramp at about Stone Bridge thickness, not easy transition ramp (you have to jump to get on it)

    This stone platform is the size of 1 x 1 the bottom and 2 x 2 at the top, it looks like the top of a pyramid thing or something like that…

    20 ARCH $5
    This is basically what it says, a little arch… kind of like a phone

    This is the exact Scaffolding you can find on Ghost Town

    This is the exact Wood Bridge, Large you can find on Ghost Town

    This is the exact Wood Bridge, Thin you can find on Ghost Town

    16 BARRICADE $4
    his is the same as all of the pre-DLC barricades

    This is the same as all the pre-DLC Radio Antennae

    32 FUSION COIL $5
    16 PALLET $5
    4 GRAV LIFT $10
    8 CANNON, MAN $15

    The large shield doors available on Foundry

    1 FX, NOVA $15
    1 FX, PEN AND INK $15
    1 FX, OLD TIMEY $15
    1 FX, COLORBLIND $15
    1 FX, GLOOMY $15

    1 FX, JUICY $15

    2 BLUE LIGHT $20
    This light shines everything around it blue… if mixed with Red Light, it will emit a purple light

    2 RED LIGHT $20
    This light shines everything around it blue… if mixed with Blue Light, it will emit a purple light

    4 KILL BALL $4
    About as round as a bubble shield, if it touches anything that thing dies/explodes; Bubble shields do allow you to walk into it

    8 7-WOOD $2
    A golf club that is a reskinned Gravity Hammer with a new reticule

    18 TIN CUP $2
    The “green”, the tin cup, and the flag of a Golf Course; When golf ball touches the green it magnetically travels into the tin cup.

    9 GOLF BALL $4
    The golf ball… appears to be a re-skinned soccer ball that’s a bit heavier

    Other Measurements for Sandbox

    Alright for those that are interested here are the each of the level measurements for Sandbox as well as some other tidbits you might want to know.

    The Skybubble is a perfect circle and has a diameter of 132 GUs… that is approximately 33 Block, Doubles laid longways for those who are wondering.

    The Skybubble has a height of 20 GUs… this is about 10 Block, Larges stacked on top of each other.

    The main area’s width wise is 16 GUs on one side of the hole to the crypt and 13 squares on the other side. This makes the whole flat center of Sandbox 30 squares wide (the hole is 1 square).

    The main area’s length is about 29 ½ GUs on both side… making the total length about 60 squares. This makes the main area 30 x 60.

    The ceiling for the main area is approximately 35 GUs. This is almost 18 Block, Larges stacked on top of each other.

    The distance between the ceiling of the main area and the floor of the Skybubble is about 31 GUs. This is almost 16 Block, Larges stacked on top of each other. And it seems that 10 GUs down from the floor of the sky bubble it deletes 4 GUs of objects vertically.

    The crypt is a perfect square running at 32 x 32 GUs on the bottom floor.

    The walls travel at a 90 degree angle for about 12 GUs (6 Block, Larges high), then angle toward the ceiling for 17 GUs. That gives the crypt a height of 29 GUs (almost 15 Block, Larges).

    The ceiling is a rectangle and has the same length as the Crypt, however the width is only 16 GUs (8 Block, Larges) perfectly centered. So from the bottom to the top, after 8 GUs you can look up and see the starting edge of the ceiling.

    The distance between the ceiling of the Crypt and the floor of the main area is about 20 GUs (that is a 10 Block, Large drop mind you… plus the distance from the ceiling to the floor in the Crypt).

    At the end of the long sides of Sandbox you have a few squares over 15 GUs till you get to the out of bounds Sentinel boundary.

    On the other sides of the main area you have about 10 GUs to work with.
  11. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Okay I've never used sketchup before, how do you place the objects?
  12. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Video Tutorials
  13. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
    Senior Member

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    err this file is huge O.O"
    for a sketchup file. I cant move around in it for my life.
  14. version2

    version2 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Where are the objects?

    EDIT: I found them never mind.
    #34 version2, Apr 26, 2009
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2009
  15. Pittman15

    Pittman15 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow, this is so great. I can finally plan out maps before making them.
  16. oberlin

    oberlin Ancient
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    Not to necromance the thread.

    But is there a way I could get just the crypt as a template?
  17. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    DL the whole thing, then you can just hide what you dont want to use.
  18. The Violence Within

    Senior Member

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    Hey is it still a necrobump if its stickied? And I have an idea using the sand dunes WhtButterflyLiz said that I can access the dunes somehow, any help?
  19. The Phoenix 9

    The Phoenix 9 Ancient
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  20. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
    Senior Member

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    They're in a hidden layer. Go to Window>Layers, then check Terrain. The dunes will pop up, but they are and extreme memory hog. Either use a powerful computer or make sure everything else is shut down.

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