Deer Hunt Putting duck hunt to shame. The Game: The concept is simple. For the humans (deers), hop on a mongoose and avoid getting sniped for 2 mins. The infected (hunter), get as many domeshots as you can. Point system Infections=1 Zombie kills=1 Last man=1 Unlike duck hunt, deer hunt is timed so there are no shortcuts to the power-up just skillful manuvers to avoid getting killed. Oh and cheaters be warned, deer hunt has no honor rule, cheap hiding places, ways to escape, or ways to camp in the spawn area (if you do the path is blocked after a 90 sec, so you can either sit there and stare at the screen or go through the tele and die). I am 99.9% sure that this map is cheat proof. After 2 mins the hunter's view is blocked and the deers are safe.... now it's time for revenge. There's a man cannon that spawns in the middle of the field (also spawns after 2 mins) take that to the teleporter that gives you a nice custom power-up. Once you're taken through the next teleporter it's your turn to be the hunter. You get rockets and a sniper. The Map: Creators: (FYI: both of my accounts) And thanks to shadow6052 for the idea. Map DL Game DL
It is an awful lot like duck hunt, it just seems shorter. Can you camp, or does it force you to run around away from the shield doors?
i angled all the sheild doors so that the hunter can still c and the ones in the corners have a grav lift. so no you cant camp
Nice idea. It does have clear differences to duck hunt. For one, it uses vehicles and who doesn't like vehicles. LOL. I also like how you have ended the chance for camping by angling the shield doors. It does look uncheatable unless some freaka cident that will probably happen soaring you into the air over the wall. Do the humans only have one life, It seems like that would make since but you never know. Right now I give it a 4.5/5 but I will download and see how it plays. Chow! edit- This is complete spam. You must give positive feedback to the creater in order for him to improve his map. Please try to include a couple of sentences explaining your thoughts of the map. Consider this your warning and please try to make your posts helpful.
actually the # of lives is 2. That's also an improvement from duck hunt, if you get infected, you dont have to jus sit there. You can try to stall the humans with a plasma pistol. Hardly ever works tho haha
Duck hunt was good because of the cover. The idea's great although i think it'd play a lot better with cover for the gooses and maybe a longer track that they have to drive through.
the problem wit cover... ppl will jus camp there until the 2 mins are up. if i make it a path instead of a timed game it'll make things 2 easy for the zombie and the game may take 2 long (which is why ppl would always quit during duck hunt games.... ykno wen u always have that loser who wnt go, or the person whos jus not playing). O and i wanna make it clear, i'm not making a new version of duck hunt, it's suppose 2 have huge differences along wit some similarities.
this is worse then pidgeon... hunt in pidgeon hunt there are 4 cages suspended in mid-air with the zombie below with a sniper. no camping just pure run around in the fence boxes until you get your head shot-off
tha point is not to camp... srry. why dont you like it tho? sniping mongoose riders is very difficult and it's not an instint kill so you do have a chance if you're a deer
Right Idea Wrong Place Hey awsome idea for a game and the map is actually fairly well forged but to me this should have been a minigame thread not a casual one you would probbably get more downloads there and sometimes people rate worse for posting in the wrong catagory (i dont) 5/5 I love duck hunt. PS: If u have mythic or are getting them soon I have an awesome mini game for dodging hundreds of wrecked vehicles that I could send if ur interested
Sorry man but I think Duck Hunt is WAY better. You had good ideas but u just can't beat Duck Hunt. In Duck Hunt u can kill the zombie, but u can't in Deer Hunt.
read my post genius..... you caaaan kill the zombie Dude if your gonna rate and critique a map at least know wtf your talking about
I played this with somebody who had it in custom games. It was short and fun. All 15 people who played it thought it was better than Duck Hunt. I do too. nice job 5/5 you should make more awesomr mini game maps I am expecting to see many more
Everyone loves a good duck hunt and this looks like a great alternative for those who are getting a little bored of the regular duck hunt. I will give it a whirl and get back to you thanks!